Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 307: Snow Worm Extermination Battle

The area where the tracks had disappeared was covered in pristine white snow, as mentioned earlier. Only a few scattered trees were present, and there were no signs of any living creatures.

“Indeed, the tracks in that area have disappeared.”

In the direction Cain-niisan had pointed, there were indeed spots where the tracks had stopped. The snow had been disturbed by the Snow Worm, causing the tracks to vanish.

“But there’s no sign of the Snow Worm anywhere.”

“Over there, Brother. The snow there is a bit more mound-like compared to the surrounding area, don’t you see?”

“Really? I can’t tell at all.”

Well, I can clearly tell because I have the ‘Magic Detection’ skill. It seems the Snow Worm is waiting for us to get closer.

When the Snow Worm moves, naturally, the surrounding snow will also shift. This means we’ll quickly be able to see where it is. The Snow Worm seems to be aware of this as well.

Lionel is confirming with a mage who has the ‘Magic Detection’ skill. The knights with the ‘Search’ skill also join in, and they carefully pinpoint the location.

“We’ll use fire magic centered around that area to melt the snow. The mages will stay on standby. When the Snow Worm reveals itself on the surface, the knights will begin the attack. It may be slower, but don’t let your guard down.”


The knights responded, including Cain-niisan’s voice among them. I couldn’t help but be surprised and looked at him in shock.

“Cain-niisan is going too!?”

“What are you talking about? Of course I am.”

“Cain-sama… It seems it’s pointless to try to stop him.”

“Of course. I also want to show Julius my best side.”

I know plenty of Cain-niisan’s strengths. So, I’d prefer him not to do anything reckless… But having Cain-niisan return without doing anything might be a bit problematic.

It seems some achievement is necessary. The record of fighting alongside the knights will likely strengthen Cain-niisan’s future leadership and build a strong bond with them.

…It’s my turn now. I’ll quietly use defensive magic to ensure Cain-niisan doesn’t get injured. I use Magic Armor. This spell enhances defense with magical power, so it’s not visible from the outside.

There was a moment when I thought the same thing. The instant I used the magic, the mage with the ‘Magic Detection’ skill reacted with a start. Oh no, they can see it. I quickly pulled them away from the others.

“You didn’t see anything, understood?”

“Of course. I didn’t see anything. Um, that’s Magic Armor, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. Well, now that you’ve seen it, I might as well use it on everyone.”

I cast Magic Armor on everyone present. The mage let out a small sound, but wisely covered their mouth with both hands.

“Julius-sama, was there something wrong?”

Lionel approached with a smile, but his eyes weren’t smiling at all. He looked at me with a “Did you do something again?” kind of stare. This might be a good opportunity to get Lionel on our side before things get worse.

“Lionel, can I have a word with you?”

I then explained to Lionel that I had used Magic Armor on everyone. Although surprised, Lionel seemed to accept it with a sigh.

“Why not use it openly instead of sneaking around?”

“Well, I thought standing out too much might not be good.”

“Isn’t that judgment a bit too late?”

Oh, is he a bit angry? Haha. I’ve been thinking lately that my judgment might be a bit slow as well. Lionel said nothing more and returned. We should head back too.

When we returned to everyone, the operation was about to begin. The Snow Worm subjugation operation was starting. To facilitate the mages using fire magic, we couldn’t completely encircle the Snow Worm. Therefore, we needed to fight while preventing the Snow Worm from escaping.

It seemed best to melt as much snow as possible.

“Start the operation.”

Following Lionel’s resounding voice, the mages began their incantations. I decided to use my magic in sync with theirs. The mages, having completed their incantations, unleashed their magic all at once, timing it perfectly. I mixed my own magic into the spell.


With the impact of the fire-element magic, the surrounding snow began to melt. And surrounding it… no, as far as the eye could see, the snow melted in an instant. With this, the Snow Worm wouldn’t easily escape into the snow.

…Did I overdo it a bit? Oops. Ah, Lionel is looking at me with a deep frown. That look clearly means he thinks I did it.

“The Snow Worm is coming out. All units, engage in combat! Charge!”

At Lionel’s command, the knights ran out with a cheer. On the ground, the Snow Worm, seemingly confused about what was happening, had stopped its movements.

Its body diameter is about two meters. Its length is about thirty meters? To be honest, it’s quite creepy. I can’t believe they’re actually facing it. I definitely couldn’t do it.

A sinister liquid gushes out from the place it was cut. Ugh. But it seems that the liquid is being repelled by the magic armor.

Ah, some of the knights are tilting their heads in confusion. Focus on the battle, focus. Lionel, noticing this, is shouting in anger. I’ll probably get scolded later. Oh no.

As for Cain-niisan… hmm. He’s cutting the Snow Worm with a very nice smile. It seems he’s stopped being cautious about getting dirty. That’s worrying in its own way.

In the meantime, the Snow Worm was defeated. It happened so quickly. If it hadn’t been hiding in the snow, would it have weakened this much? No wonder it stays dormant in the ground until winter.

When the knights recovered the magic stones, snow began to fall in the area where the ground was exposed.

“Thank you, Snow Spirit.”

“Oh, not at all. My power wasn’t really needed, was it?”


Indeed, there is magic to make it snow… but if I did that, it would cause a huge fuss about ‘Julius controlling the weather,’ right? Whether the Snow Spirit knew this or not, it laughed heartily.

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2 thoughts on “Chapter 307”

    1. That’s how battles are when you have the advantage.

      Without being able to melt the snow (which looks like it would need the MC’s help), the worm has the advantage in the snow compared to humans.

      Kinda like fishing in nature vs fishing in a bucket or man-made fishing hole.

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