Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 25: Burned Down



In the hallway of the Marquess Clarvain’s mansion, I was facing Edgar, who was blocking my path.

What does he want?

"Water Wall!"

Edgar cast a spell, creating a wall of water that blocked the hallway.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You were careless, Leonhart! This is your loss!"

Edgar’s triumphant laughter echoed down the hallway like a broken phonograph.


When did we start a competition?

Perhaps drawn in by Edgar’s laughter, a few servants began to appear in the hallway, including Celia.

"Leonhart! You can only use fire magic! You can’t win against me, who can use water magic! Ha ha! And with the Water Wall up, your sword can’t reach me! This is my complete victory!"

"Uh... yeah..."

It seems the growing crowd of spectators has gotten Edgar excited, and he’s starting to reveal his plan even though I haven’t asked.

Indeed, fire magic is strong against ice magic and weak against water magic. That’s the nature of elemental interactions. Plus, with the magical wall filling the hallway, I can’t even get close to Edgar.

That’s what he must be thinking.

Should I let Edgar have his moment?

Since Edgar is the next marquis, it’s best not to create too much conflict with his family. If my allowance gets cut off, I’ll be in trouble. I haven’t reached a stable level of income from dungeon exploration yet.

Just as I was about to raise my hands in applause, it happened.

"Now you understand that I’m superior, that I’m stronger, right? The previous incident was just a sneaky surprise attack! Now, as a token of your loyalty, hand over a slave!"


Throwing aside the praise I was considering for Edgar, I glared at him.

He crossed a line.

"Even if you glare at me, the match is already decided! If you don’t want to suffer, give me a slave—"


At that moment, the wall of water blocking the hallway turned into a wall of fire. I had overwritten Edgar’s spell with my own.

"You talk arrogantly when you think I’m silent. Edgar, I was willing to get along with you. But you’ve touched a taboo. I warned you once, but you ignored it. Now you’ll pay the price."

"W-what’s happening!? What happened to the Water Wall!? Huh!? W-wait a moment!? Warning? Price? What are you talking about!?"

Edgar still didn’t understand the situation. With such a person as the next marquis, I wonder if the Clarvain family will be alright.

Well, that’s not my concern right now.


"I’ll take your left pinky finger. In exchange, I’ll overlook your statements this time."

"Huh!? What are you—aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

Edgar’s left pinky finger ignited instantly and turned to ash. This wound is eternal. No matter how advanced the healing magic or high-quality potions, that pinky will never grow back.

When I waved my arm, the fire wall that had blocked the hallway vanished as if it were dissolving into the air.

The hallway showed no signs of scorching. Determining what to burn and what not to burn is as easy as pie for me.

"A-a-a-a... My finger, my finger, it’s aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!?"

Edgar cried out, clutching his left hand and sobbing.

And I looked down at him.

The servants watched us in stunned silence, holding their breath and making no sound.


"Excuse me."

The commotion had quickly reached the head of the household, Arthur, and I was summoned to his office.

In the office were Arthur and his mother, Benedicta. Edgar, still sobbing, was being held by Benedicta.

Well, this looks like a family meeting. It’s going to be a hassle.

Arthur, with a tense expression, began to speak.

"Leonhart... You understand why you’ve been called here, don’t you?"

"I believe I do."

"I see. First, Edgar’s lost pinky hasn’t healed. Neither magic nor potions worked. We even considered the possibility of a curse, but there was no reaction to dispel magic. We’re at a loss. What did you do? How can we restore it?"

"I burned away the very existence of Edgar’s pinky. It won’t be coming back."

Edgar’s left pinky. I had incinerated its very existence.

Normally, when a body part is lost, magic or potions can heal it by referring to the body’s design etched into the soul.

However, I erased the existence of Edgar’s left pinky from the soul’s design. There is no way to restore it with conventional methods.


Hearing my words, Edgar broke down in tears. Losing his finger must have been a tremendous shock.

Well, I understand it’s a shock, but he brought this upon himself.

Benedicta, who had been supporting the weeping Edgar, glared at me with an intense expression.

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