Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 15: Presents

“Celia, actually, I have a present for you.”

“For me?”


During our usual tea time, I handed Celia a long object wrapped in cloth for the gift.

“It’s quite big. Are you sure it’s okay for me to have it?”

“Of course.”

Celia carefully unwrapped the gift in front of me. I felt a little nervous. I wonder if she’ll like it.

“This is...”


“It’s a magic staff. Since you’ve been working hard in your magic classes, I thought it might be useful. It’s not anything special, but I hope you find it helpful.”

Yes, it’s nothing special. It’s useful early on but is just a drop item from a boss in the fifth layer.

I would have liked to give her the strongest gear as a reward for clearing dungeons if I could, but it’s not something I can get.

“It’s a nice staff... Wasn’t it expensive...?”

“Don’t worry about it. More importantly, do you like it?”

“Yes. Thank you very much, Leonhart-sama.”

Just seeing Celia’s smile makes me feel happy.

For some reason, after the birthday festival, Celia has started smiling at me more often.

“Um, this is a bit sudden, but could you call me Leon instead?”


Seria froze with a surprised expression. It’s unfair how cute she looks.

I want to take a screenshot!

Ah! Why don’t I have a screenshot function in my eyes!?

“Um, is that alright? I’ve heard that names are considered sacred to nobles.”

That’s true. For nobles, their names are sacred. In a world where it’s common for commoners to be killed for addressing a noble by their name without honorifics, it’s unthinkable for a slave to use a nickname for their noble master.

But then again, I do call Celestine, who is royalty, by a nickname.

Also, calling each other by nicknames means we’re pretty close!

“Of course it’s okay! I’m the one allowing it, after all.”


Celia looks a bit troubled. I need to consider her situation too. If a mere slave were to use a nickname for a noble, people around us wouldn’t stay silent.

“I understand. For now, it’s fine if it’s only when we’re alone. I want to get closer to you, Celia.”


“Closer to me...”

“Yes. So, if it’s alright with you, could you call me that?”

“I understand, Leon-sama.”

“Great! I’m looking forward to it, Celia!”

I feel like the distance between us has closed a lot. This is nice.

“By the way, let’s go on a date sometime.”

“A date, you say?”

Celia’s face turned a bit red. It’s so cute. I want to take a screenshot!

“Yes. I thought it might be good to check how the staff performs too.”

“The staff...?”

I’m planning to invite Celia into a dungeon. Of course, I want to create opportunities for her to use the staff, and I’m also a bit anxious about Edgar. If possible, I’d like to delve into the dungeon with Celia.

Actually, my desire to learn swordsmanship was also a setup to invite Celia into the dungeon. I’ll take the front lines with a sword, while Celia uses magic from the rear. This way, Celia can use her magic a bit more safely.

And once Celia becomes stronger, Edgar will quickly become no match for her. She should be able to buy time until I arrive.

Celia’s true identity is the last member of the destroyed Rucelle Kingdom’s royal family. Since the royal family is desperately searching for the rightful ruler of the Rucelle Kingdom, it’s better for Celia to have self-defense measures as soon as possible.

“Well, the date might be a bit further off. Let’s do our best.”

“Do our best...?”

Celia’s puzzled expression is so cute too. I want to take a screenshot!



In front of me were two wooden boards, each with a gap of about three centimeters. I clicked my tongue repeatedly.

I had been diligently practicing the method Eugen taught me.

Having mastered the knife hand, I was now practicing with a short wooden stick, about the size of a pencil, but it was quite challenging. It made me doubt if I was really in control of my own body, given how much my aim deviated.

It’s frustrating, but I’m starting to understand why Eugen said I wasn’t ready for full swings yet.

I want to use a wooden sword already!

However, since I’m going to use dual swords, I need to train both my right and left sides, which means the time required is simply doubled. It looks like it will take a long time before I can handle a wooden sword...

I want to get good enough with the sword to take Celia into the dungeon, but it seems like it will take quite a while.

“Leon-sama, it’s tea time.”

“Oh, I’ll be right there!”

If Celia calls, there’s no helping it. I placed the wooden stick on the table and settled down on the sofa.

“What’s the snack today?”

“Today’s treat is gâteau au chocolat. It looks very delicious.”


I eagerly waited for Celia to serve the treats, feeling quite excited.

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