Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 272: I Want to Use Magic

Nero and the others arrived as I was surrounded by members of the mage corps. It seems their training over there had taken a break.

"Julius-sama, what's all this commotion about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's take a break. Giles and Christopher will join us too, right?"

"Of course!"

"Let's go."

Thanks to my reliable friends, I managed to get through that situation. That was close. I almost caused another uproar. I escaped to the resting area in the knights' quarters and immediately arranged dried fruits on the table.

"Julius-sama, are these the rumored dried fruits!?"

"It's my first time seeing them. They're as beautiful as jewels, just as rumored."


It seemed Giles and Christopher were seeing them for the first time. They haven't caught on as much as I thought. It looks like it'll take a bit more time before the business really takes off. Or perhaps they plan to sell them at a high price as luxury confections? That could be another angle.

"Don't hesitate, eat some. If they run out, I can always get more from the head chef."

"Of course, Julius-sama."

"We can't do things like this."

While saying that, they ate without reservation, enjoying it. That's what matters most. Children shouldn't hold back. Nero was also eating earnestly.

"Julius-sama, what happened earlier?"

"Oh, it was just a fuss caused by using magic."

"I see."

Nero oddly seemed to accept it. I explained just to make sure the commotion wouldn't escalate further, but he seemed deeply convinced. I guess he's come to expect that sort of thing from me? It's regrettable, really.

"Since Julius-sama can use magic, I wish I could too."

"Using magic requires a natural talent. But Christopher, you might be able to use magic too."

Using the method I taught Axel and Isidore in the capital, there should be potential. Christopher's eyes sparkled upon hearing that. Giles sitting next to him looked just as intrigued.

"How can I learn to use magic?"

Christopher pressed on. I was taken aback. I couldn't just refuse now, so after stressing it was a "secret just between us," I taught him.

"First, you'll learn the 'Light' magic that anyone with magical power can use. If you can't do this, it means you don't have magic power and can't use magic."

"Then I guess it's impossible for me. When my grandfather taught me before, it barely glowed."

"That's alright. Christopher, you have magical power. That means you can use magic."

Christopher's face lit up brightly. Now it's all about effort. It'll involve daily, rather mundane training, but it's necessary.

Giles, who hadn't tried magic before, was taught and used the "Light" magic.

"Glad to see both of you have magical power. Now we just need to improve and train its accuracy."

"Does Nero have talent in magic too?"


"Of course. I've been teaching Nero magic since our time in the capital."

Using the method I devised to make "Light" magic flicker, he should be able to expand the latent magic within himself to a certain extent. But exceeding those limits or pushing beyond them isn't possible. It's all about innate ability. It would be different if we could freely allocate ability points like in a game.

Giles seemed a bit discontented. It appeared he might be jealous of Nero's talent. Nero had stood out during the swordsmanship practice earlier, and I hoped no strange resentment would develop. It wouldn't be good if there were any animosity; I might not be able to trust them in crucial situations.

While observing the two, I taught them the practice methods.

"It seems quite simple."

"Well, yes. But my friends in the capital achieved significant results. Oh, one important thing: always do this before bed. You might collapse from magical exhaustion otherwise."

They seemed to already know how draining magical exhaustion could be. Their faces tightened. If I had luxury sweets, it might ease the situation a bit, but it would be challenging to arrange.

"Why can't you teach this method to others?"

"Because it's too effective and could cause a commotion. I should probably start behaving more maturely soon, or I might end up confined to my room."

"I don't think that'll happen."

Nero chuckled wryly. Well, Nero, it might. It wouldn't be unreasonable if that were already under consideration. I couldn't afford any more slip-ups; they would lead to my downfall.

With that, I firmly instructed Giles and Christopher. Hopefully, this would keep things from leaking out for a while.

Safely back at the mansion, I resumed making the shrine. Since it's meant for the royal family, I need to put in my best effort. I'll have two adults help with transportation. That way, I can make it a bit larger. A larger shrine looks better and allows for more intricate details.

Oh, I should also order some larger crystals to place inside it.

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