Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 4: Magic and the Seeds of Ruin


I raised my index finger on my right arm. At the tip of my finger, a flame flickered like a candle.

The game "Realm of Spirits" is a fantasy work. I knew that magic existed in it.

But actually being able to use magic myself got me incredibly excited!

"It seems Leonhardt-sama is skilled in fire magic."

The elderly wizard in front of me, wearing a pointed hat with a bent tip and stroking a magnificent beard, said.

"Hmm. Celia seems to be skilled in fire magic as well."

Looking next to me, Celia, with her hair trimmed neatly to shoulder length in a hairstyle familiar from the game, also had a flame flickering like a candle at her fingertips.


Somehow, that made me happy.

"We're a match!"


"Ho ho ho. Well met indeed."

The kindly old man in front of me, dressed unmistakably like a wizard, was Dominic. He's the magic teacher of our Clarvain Marquis family. He used to be a renowned mage who made a name for himself as an adventurer.

"However, the measure of one's ability in magic is not just what one is skilled in, but how many magical attributes one can manipulate. Having more options increases your means. I can only handle four attributes, but I've heard Leonhardt-sama, as the heir to the Marquis family, can manipulate six attributes. Now, Celia, how many attributes can you handle?"

At Dominic's words, Celia stiffened for a moment. As a member of the royal family, Seria can use all seven attributes. That's something ordinary commoners can't do. It was a major issue that could potentially expose Celia's true identity.

"Well, ordinary commoners find out which attributes they can use at their fifteenth coming-of-age ceremony, so it's understandable if you don't know. Next time, I'll ask an acquaintance priest—"

"More importantly, Dominic! What exactly is magic?"

"Hmm. Indeed. It's difficult to sum up in a few words, but magic is the power bestowed by the spirits. It's when the spirits wish to lend their power to a person for their sake. The true nature of the attributes that humans can manipulate. That's why people offer prayers of gratitude to the spirits. Therefore, the more attributes one can handle, the more esteemed they are by people. This is said to be the beginning of nobility."

Dominic spoke eloquently, consistent with the official setting materials.

And here lies the cause of Leonhardt's downfall.

"However, while the ability to manipulate attributes is often thought to be innate, it can also change later in life. I myself started with three attributes, but somehow my ability to handle magic increased to four attributes over time. Therefore, both Leonhardt-sama and Celia must be careful in their words and actions every day. The spirits are watching."

"I see..."


In this world, spirits are objects of worship. The number of attributes one can manipulate serves as proof of trust bestowed by the spirits.

In such a world, Leonhardt's ability to manipulate attributes suddenly decreased from six to just one. This was seen as a loss of trust from the spirits, leading to his removal as heir and ridicule.

Well, the cause was making a contract with Ifrit, but that's something I can't tell anyone. If I did, it might lead someone to realize Celia's true identity.

Therefore, Leonhardt reluctantly accepted the assumption around him that he was someone who had lost the trust of the spirits.

How frustrating that must have been. But even so, Leonhardt remained committed to protecting Celia.

And that future would inevitably come to me as well.


At the ceremony celebrating his tenth birthday, his attributes will be examined, and it will be revealed that he can only use one attribute: fire.

Protecting Celia is absolute. But I don't want to willingly damage my relationship with my family, nor can I tolerate being ridiculed by those around me.

I want to do something about it... but what can I do?

Is there anything I can do?

However, even if I can't do anything, even if my relationships with those around me are shattered...

I glanced at Celia sitting next to me. She, who had lost not only those around her but even her country.

I will save her. I will make her genuinely smile. I will show her happiness together.

There is no lie in my vow!

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