Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 4: The Abandoned Prince Heals the Empress

The Empress of the Dragoon Empire, now standing before me in her natural state, was truly beautiful.

I can't think of anyone else besides her who deserves the title of a goddess.

Most notably, her height, which must easily exceed two meters.

I wasn't particularly into tall women, but honestly, I felt a sudden awakening.

And her breasts, matching her height, were particularly impressive.

Perhaps being tall is a characteristic of dragonkin.

Rosemary is also close to two meters tall, so there's a possibility.


"Lord Reichel? We'd like to start the treatment for my mother, the Empress, as soon as possible..."

"Y-Yes, of course. I'll start right away."

I reached out to the Empress's body.

Just to clarify, what I'm about to do is not inappropriate.

It's strictly a medical procedure.

Since curses spread throughout the body like poison, I need to touch every part of her body from head to toe to treat it.

"Let's start with the feet..."

Feet, thighs, hips, chest—breasts, arms...

Gradually, I used "Complete Regeneration" to remove the curse infesting her body.

It wasn't difficult at all.

"Now, for the rest..."

I gently touched the Empress's cheeks with both hands.

And then, in the next moment after removing all the curses with "Complete Regeneration"...

"Uh, um... Good morning?"

"...Good morning."

"I-I'm done with the treatment. How are you feeling?"

The Empress's eyes opened, and her golden gaze met mine directly.

Our eyes met, creating an awkward moment.

Just when I thought that, the Empress did something unexpected by both me and Rosemary.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her.

Then, unexpectedly, she buried my head in her breasts, which were even larger than a big watermelon sold at a supermarket in the summer.


I struggled for breath, looking up from the valley formed between her breasts.

"Did you wake me up, young man?"

"Uh, um, yes."

"I appreciate it, young man. If I may ask, do you have any women you like or a fiancée?"

"Huh? Uh, no, not at the moment."

I answered the Empress's sudden and inexplicable question honestly.

Then, without any change in her cool expression, the Empress gently stroked my head and said:

"Then I shall make you my husband, young man."


"M-Mother!? W-What are you saying!?"

"Oh my. Rosemary, you're here too. I'm sorry to have worried you. Mother will now spend some sweet time with her husband, so please excuse us for a while."

"There are too many things wrong with this!! Lord Reichel, why aren't you resisting!?"

Well, I mean, come on?

If a beautiful lady like a goddess, albeit with a slight height difference, tells you to become her husband, you wouldn't resist, right?

Plus, the Empress has this intoxicatingly lovely scent!!!

When I think about it calmly, Rosemary seems to be the seventh princess, which means this beautiful lady has given birth to seven children.

Hmm, it seems like a new door is about to open.

As I pondered, the Empress continued to stroke my head, her expression unchanged.

"So your name is Reichel. It's a lovely name. I am Alcarion, the Empress of the Holy Dragoon Empire."

"What are you introducing yourself for!? Lord Reichel, please step away from Mother for a moment!!"

As Rosemary forcibly pulled me away from the embrace of the Empress, Alcarion.

Oh, I wished I could have buried my face in those breasts a little longer...

Although I felt a bit reluctant, Rosemary's gaze was intimidating, so I decided to stop fooling around.

"Mother, what's gotten into you all of a sudden!? Surely there are other options!? Besides, joking about making Lord Reichel your husband—"

"Rosemary. I have never made a joke in my life. Making young Reichel my husband is serious, and it's a decision."

"Please, at least explain how you came to that conclusion!!"

"...Yes, you're right..."

Ah, there's always someone like that, isn't there?

 Someone whose actions seem completely outrageous when viewed from the outside but make perfect sense in their own mind.

It seems that Alcarion is that type of person.

"I... I was in darkness for a long time."


"No matter how far I walked, it was dark. I couldn't see anything or hear anything. I was prepared for my long life to finally end. That's when..."

Alcarion spoke while looking at me.

"Suddenly, a bright light pierced through the darkness. I walked towards the light, and that's when I woke up. And when I opened my eyes, this young man was here."

"I see..."

I didn't quite get it, but Rosemary seemed to understand somehow.

Alcarion hugged me again and started stroking my head vigorously.

Geez, being embraced by a beautiful lady and having your head petted like this is just too much!

And then, Alcarion opened up.

"Well, to be honest, I fell head over heels for this young man. I'm totally smitten, lovey-dovey, smoochy-smoochy."

"Mother, please don't say that with a straight face!!"

Despite her expressionless and slightly cold demeanor, could it be that Alcarion is actually a cheerful person?

"Rosemary, are you opposed to Mother making this young man her husband?"

"I-I wouldn't say opposed, but you two have just met! Shouldn't you get to know each other more before...?"

"I see, that makes sense."

Alcarion nodded in agreement, and Rosemary looked relieved.

I felt a little disappointed.

"Young man."

"Uh, yes. What is it?"

"I'm the type who's loyal and devoted. I've had seven husbands in the past, but that's all behind me now. I'm a widow. From now on, I vow to love only you. Also, I'll be the one providing for you, so always stay by my side."

"Huh? Um, what?"

"So, in order for you to get to know me better, we'll start making babies right away. Rosemary, please leave."


She's trying to hug me so tightly...

Well, I guess being desired by an exceptional beauty like her could be considered a blessing for a man.

And then...


Alcarion began to stare silently at Rosemary.

Her golden eyes shimmered.

"I see, I understand now. I must have rushed things a bit too much."

"Huh? Oh, um, I see. Well, if you understand, that's good—"

"And Rosemary, falling for this young man after he saved you from danger..."

"Whoa!! Whoa!! Lord Reichel!! Let me guide you to your guest room!! You're the savior of Her Majesty's life!! We'll provide you with the utmost hospitality!!"

With Rosemary grabbing me by the neck and shouting at the top of her lungs, I was dragged out of Alcarion's room against my will.

During that chaos, I overheard Alcarion muttering to herself.

"It's unbearable to steal away the man whom my dear daughter admires. Perhaps it would be better if we shared you, young man. Yes, I'll need to change the laws..."

Alcarion's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes were dead serious.

Could it be true that Rosemary harbors feelings for me?

Seems like I've somehow become quite popular with both mother and daughter.

And so, amidst all that, I found myself being treated with the highest hospitality as a guest of Empress Alcarion in the Holy Dragoon Empire.

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