Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 230: The dark history of magic potions

 We had a great deal of fun talking about magic potions. I was asked, “How did you come up with that idea?” But I blamed it all on my grandmother. I’ll say it again. I am sorry, Grandma. And also, Grandma’s master. In the end, it will all be the fault of the master who taught her how to make the magic potion.

“I had heard that a while ago, there was a person who created an excellent magic potion. However, the method was never circulated to the world and remained a mystery. I had no idea that this person was Lady Margaret’s mentor.”

 His Majesty the King shook his head from side to side as if in disbelief. The people around him who were listening to this were also sighing deeply.

 Oh, my stomach is starting to hurt. Actually, it’s a method I learned while playing the game. It’s hard deceiving everyone.

“But why didn’t Lady Margaret spread this method? If she had, she would have made a name for herself. It’s a shame.”

“About that, Grandmother seemed to be afraid of something about it. She said she couldn’t let the house be destroyed.”

“The house? I see. ……”

 Something seemed to have convinced him. His Majesty the King was nodding his head repeatedly. Her Royal Highness also seemed to have come to a conclusion and quietly kept her mouth shut. The rest of the people were scratching their heads. It seems that neither brother Alex nor Daniela-sama knew about this. This seems to be quite a top-secret matter.

“During the time of my grandfather, the previous king, there was an attempt to revolutionize magic potions.”

 His Majesty the King began to talk. Since no one had ever told me about it before, it must have been part of the country’s dark history. Even so, His Majesty the King seemed to have decided to tell us.

 According to that, a proposal to improve the current poor quality magic potion and make it easier for everyone to use was proposed during the reign of the previous king. Naturally, this was to improve the quality as well as to develop new magic potions.

 It is said that potions masters all over the Kingdom of Spencer followed the order and created numerous magic potions. It could be said that there was a bubble of magic potions. The ingredients for magic potions sold for high prices, and adventurers actively traveled throughout the kingdom, making the market bustling with activity.

 And it seems that there was a time when some excellent magic potions were discovered, their production methods were reviewed, and they tasted a little better than they do now. But soon problems began to occur.  Perhaps the material used was bad, or the way it was made was bad, they began to have a negative effect on people over time.

 It was a “slow-acting poison,” if you will.

 They didn’t even know which magic potion is bad. Or which materials or methods are bad. People who realized that they had been poisoned reacted furiously. That was understandable. They were being used as guinea pigs.

 The king at the time had no choice but to dispose of the potions masters in order to prevent a civil war.

 The potions masters who were able to create many magic potions were, of course, the aristocratic potions masters. And the backlash was directed against the nobility.

 The previous king decided to crush that aristocracy and replace it with a new one. Naturally, there was opposition from the nobility. However, there were not so many aristocrats who were working as potion practitioners. After weighing the options, he probably decided to crush the aristocracy.

 Naturally, there must have been some consideration for the nobles who were destroyed. However, the stigma remains intact. There is no doubt that dissatisfaction was simmering. And the tragedy continued.

 The previous king was assassinated. The cause of death was poisoning. Because the poison used was a special one, the magician who made it was quickly identified and executed.

 This incident had a great impact on the Potions Masters. The reform of potions, which was intended for the benefit of the people, ended up creating a tragedy.

 Naturally, people began to look at potions more and more harshly. And now, no one wants to develop new magic potions.

 This seems to be the reason why grandmother said, “I don’t want to destroy my house.”

“Well then, what about the new magic potion that Julius-sama is making?”

 Ijidol asked in a trembling voice.

“Yes, I suppose that could be a possibility.”

 The truth is, there is no possibility of that at all, but I can’t prove it now.

 There are people in this world who can appraise magic potions, but their accuracy seems to be low. I can only get a rough idea of what kind of effect the potion has. That is why we could not discover that it had delayed toxicity.

 What is needed to spread magic potions is a highly accurate “magic tool for appraisal” Without this, it is going to be difficult to spread magic potions throughout the country and throughout the world. As for who will make the Magic tool, it seems that the fastest way is for me to make it. If possible, I would like someone to make it for me. Oh dear.

“There’s no need to worry about that. All of the magic potions that Julius makes are wonderful. They’re effective, high quality, and taste good. They’re magic potions that deserve to be spread throughout the country.”

 His Majesty the King is smiling at me. It seems like he has accurate information about the potion I have created. But how?

“After that incident, I gathered together a group of people who could give me a more accurate appraisal. I wish I had done that from the beginning, but I didn’t realize that the accuracy of the appraisals would vary between appraisers.”

 His Majesty the King shook his head. My brothers were surprised at that statement. Apparently, they did not know. If this fact spread throughout the country, there would be a growing movement to acquire excellent appraisers. I never thought there would be a difference in the abilities of appraisers.

“Then, Your Majesty, does this mean that the new magic potions created from now on are guaranteed to be safe?”

“That’s what I’m saying, Alex. That’s why I have high hopes for Julius. I have already tested all the magic potions that he’s provided me. Not only are there no problems with them, but they perform amazingly well. I’m surprised, though, that the children’s potions are sweetened.”

 He smiled very happily when he said that. So, you knew that and drank that poor-quality panacea? You are very brave, even if you can’t turn your back on it.

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