Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 70: Welcome Party
Tauro led Momo, a woman from the Cat tribe and Bob’s girlfriend, to the front of Bob’s house.
Light was leaking from the house and through the window pane she could see Bob walking around the room.
“As you can see, this is Bob-san’s house and your new home. Now, I’m going to leave so you two can enjoy the rest of your time together.”
After saying that, Tauro left quickly, blending into the darkness that covered the evening.
“Oh, thank you, Tauro-kun!”
After thanking Tauro, who disappeared into the darkness, Momo stood in front of the front door, suppressing her excitement.
She knocked on the door.
“Yes! Who is it?”
Bob’s voice could be heard and his footsteps approached the other side of the front door.
There was the sound of the knob being gripped then the door being opened.
When the door opened, they both looked at each other and were so moved that they said something unspoken to each other and hugged each other.
The warmth of each other’s body made the anxiety of the past disappear and they both felt at ease.
The adventurer who saved the village, the hero Bob, had a woman in his house and she was a beautiful cat person.
The rumor quickly spread throughout the village by witnesses.
The villagers were delighted to hear that Bob had invited her to live in the village, which they interpreted to mean that he was willing to live here forever.
Momo, a cat person, was immediately welcomed by the villagers as a member of the village family.
They were invited to a welcome party at the village chief’s house.
“We’re very happy to have you settle in our village!”
The village chief said excitedly as he poured alcohol into Bob and Momo’s cups.
“I look forward to working with you in the future, Chief.”
Bob bowed deeply and Momo bowed as well.
“Haha, that’s our line, Bob-dono. The curse on this village was lifted thanks to Bob’s desperate efforts to defeat the goblins.”
“I can’t take the credit alone, you know. Tauro-kun over there…”
Bob was about to say something, but the village chief unintentionally interrupted him and said.
“Momo-chan, your boyfriend has restored the dignity of all we villagers from the curse. Thank you very much.”
“I’ve heard from him that he didn’t do this alone. Please give the same praise to Tauro-kun, who lifted the curse with him.”
“Of course, sir. The boy himself said that Bob-dono is a humble person and he is indeed a humble person. That’s why the villagers love him so much.”
“Oh, no, like I said Tauro-kun…”
“Bob, are you drinking?”
Bob tried to correct him again, but it was drowned out by the voices of the other villagers who had been drinking.
Tauro sat at the end of the table and watched Bob and the others, relieved.
He was relieved to know that Bob was the hero and not him, the child.
Otherwise, if he stood out, he might get into trouble later on.
This village is certainly part of Count Dallerer’s domain.
Tauro remembered that Count Dellerer was a student of his when he was teaching Reversi in King’s Landing.
He shouldn’t remember much about it, but if word gets out and the Count hears about it, he might ask him to give him more guidance.
Tauro didn’t want to play Reversi for the time being because he’d played it too many times.
Or rather, he didn’t want to have anything to do with nobles.
That was the one thing he was sure of.
Everyone was getting drunk and rowdy.
Bob came over to Tauro’s table.
“I’m sorry, Tauro-kun. It seems I’m taking all the credit for this one.”
Bob looked apologetic.
“No, on the contrary, it’s more unnatural for a child to play an active role, so everyone thinks you’re the star of the show. I was lucky enough to defeat the Knight, but it was Bob-san who actually defeated the Sorcerer and lifted the curse.”
Tauro spoke as if he was explaining to Momo, who was standing behind Bob.
“So, it may be a bit stiff, but you’re the savior of this village. You should be proud of yourself.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Thank you, Tauro-kun.”
It was Tauro who was grateful to the two of them, but he also felt sorry for Bob who he dumped all the glory on.