Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 39: Changes

That morning, the Colorful Fabric Shop put up a notice of temporary closure. The joint request from the Wang family and the Prime Minister to shut down the shop caused a significant stir among the people. Those not involved in the fabric trade were furious at the Prime Minister’s meddling, while those who made a living from weaving applauded the decision.

Yet everyone was waiting—waiting for Li Xian to return.

The next evening, when the colorful lanterns lit up on the city walls, a massive convoy finally appeared in the sight of the citizens of the capital.

Waiting at the city gate were Shangguan Yong, Zhang Quan, and Yuan Zhao, who were all filled with excitement and tears.

"Brother Xian is back; this will make things much easier," Shangguan Yong said.

Yuan Zhao nodded. "Exactly, with Brother Xian here, everything will be manageable."

"I’m not so sure!" Zhang Quan squinted his eyes and chuckled. "Brother Xian’s recent performance has been quite surprising. Just wait and see; if he doesn’t stir up some commotion, I’ll be amazed!"

"Great! I love excitement; I thrive on chaos!" Yuan Zhao was also someone who relished in disorder.


Without waiting for Li Xian’s convoy to come closer, Yuan Zhao ran ahead and jumped onto Li Xian’s carriage. "Brother Xian, I missed you so much!"

Li Xian looked at Yuan Zhao and immediately grinned. "Tell me, what problems have you encountered? Let me guess—is it that the effects of the hunger marketing have been so explosive that it’s caused public outrage?"

"Wow! Brother Xian, you’re amazing! How did you guess that?" Yuan Zhao's eyes were full of admiration.

"Isn’t it obvious? I came up with the concept of hunger marketing, so of course, I know the potential consequences," Li Xian said proudly, his nose tilted up.

"So, Brother Xian, do you have any solutions? Let me tell you, even the Emperor is concerned. The situation is like this... like this..." 

Yuan Zhao animatedly recounted what had happened in the court.

"This is no challenge!" Li Xian said nonchalantly. "I plan to hold an exhibition and sales event. You all go and gather every item you can find. It doesn’t matter if it’s ordinary tables and chairs, jade, swords, or even martial arts manuals—everything that can be sold, bring it to me. There are three days until the New Year; we’ll start the exhibition tomorrow.

They think they can’t accept the price of nine-tenths of the fabric? Hmph! At the exhibition, everything will be sold at a ten percent discount! That means the fabric will effectively be at an eighty percent price.

In addition to sales, we’ll hold lotteries and giveaways to stir up excitement in the capital. I’ve even thought of a slogan for the exhibition—'Celebrate an Affordable New Year.'"

"Isn’t that just a New Year’s market? There’s nothing new about it!" Yuan Zhao scoffed at Li Xian.

"Yes, it’s a New Year’s market, but ours will be completely different from others. Just go prepare the items; I guarantee it will be spectacular."

"Alright, alright, I trust you, Brother Xian. I’ll head back and get ready." Yuan Zhao took off at lightning speed.

Zhang Quan and Shangguan Yong came up to exchange a few words before dispersing. Li Xian then took just a few people into Wuyang City, while the main caravan left in a grand procession to settle at the Li family residence outside the city.

Li Xian was well aware that such a powerful caravan and escort couldn’t enter the city, but he still wanted to lead them around for a show of force. This was all preparation for tomorrow's exhibition—and a way to announce to everyone, "Li Xian is back!"

On Li Xian’s carriage were four large boxes, each about a meter square, containing a crystal chandelier meant as a tribute to the Emperor—nothing says "Imperial Use" better than a well-placed advertisement.

Additionally, on another carriage behind him was a simple loom. After hearing that the hunger marketing strategy had been even more successful than anticipated, Li Xian had decided to bring one down.

Upon entering the city, Li Xian first met with his father to discuss the general situation and strategy. An hour later, he left the Li residence and headed directly to the palace to pay his respects to the Emperor.

The Emperor greeted Li Xian warmly, seeming to have forgotten all previous issues, including Li Xian’s delay in returning to report. "Li Xian, take a seat."

Li Xian, having received guidance from Li Yulong beforehand, didn’t just plop down; he first bowed, saying, "Your Majesty, I apologize for my late report and humbly ask for your forgiveness."

"Forgiveness can be granted, but tell me—why the delay?"

"It was to prepare a New Year’s gift for Your Majesty. The gifts are in my carriage."


"Fu Minghui, go bring in the items from the carriage."

"Yes." Fu Minghui and several guards stepped outside.

It was at this moment that Li Xian learned that the Chief Guardian, who had read his imperial edicts twice, was named Fu Minghui. In the past, Li Xian had never inquired about affairs in the palace, as it was considered highly taboo.

Before long, Fu Minghui returned, bringing in the items: four large boxes and a simple loom.

"This is a loom, isn't it?" The Emperor clearly recognized it, even though the loom looked a bit unusual.

Li Xian smiled slightly but didn’t refer to it as a loom. Instead, he pointed at the four boxes that had clearly been opened. "Your Majesty, these are the New Year gifts I prepared for you. To make this gift, I specially acquired sea soul silk from the sea tribes."

"Sea soul silk? Good! Open it for me to see what could possibly require sea soul silk."

"Your Majesty, this is a chandelier meant to be hung from the beams. Here…"

"A chandelier? Good, let’s hang it in this grand hall."

With the Emperor's approval, Li Xian immediately got to work. Fu Minghui and a group of guards came to assist. In just a moment, the crystal chandelier was successfully suspended.

The chandelier was hung using five stainless steel hooks, and the entire fixture was crafted from golden-yellow crystal glass, occasionally inlaid with purple and red pieces of glass, making it a breathtaking sight.

The glowing lamp head was shaped like an inverted gourd, with over thirty crystal strands hanging down, each one a yard long, nearly touching the ground. The multi-layered, variously shaped crystals reflected the hall’s brilliant light, creating a dreamlike, luxurious spectacle.

A golden silk "cable" was carefully concealed in the gaps of the beams, eventually extending to the wall, where it connected to a switch carved from the finest jade.

"Your Majesty, please," Li Xian offered the chance to use the switch for the first time to the Emperor.

"Alright, very beautiful," the Emperor replied, clearly eager. He pressed the familiar switch, and after a slight pulse of spiritual energy, the chandelier lit up!

The golden, soft light shone brilliantly, with the crystals scattering the light in a dazzling display.

"Turn off the other colored lights."

With the Emperor's command, the surrounding guards hurried to turn off the lights. Once all the colored lights were extinguished, the proud golden chandelier radiated an indescribable elegance and splendor. The colored crystals interspersed among the golden ones added a lively and stunning touch to the solemn glow.

Under the golden glow, the great hall displayed an inexplicable majesty, as if enveloped by the dignity of the emperor; the slightly softer lighting seemed to showcase the benevolence of the sovereign.

"Good!" the emperor exclaimed with delight.

After a long moment of joy, His Majesty finally thought of the loom. "Li Xian, what’s so special about this loom?"

Only then did Li Xian personally explain the brand-new weaving machine.

It goes without saying that the emperor summoned palace maids to operate it, and the self-operating loom left everyone present in great shock.

After a while, the emperor sighed, "So that’s how it is! No wonder your cloth is so inexpensive."

"However, my loyal minister," he continued (changing how he addressed him), "this loom is indeed impressive, but it has affected the livelihoods of many common people. This... is difficult for me to handle."

Li Xian felt a sense of disdain within; is this all you can manage? But what mattered was not his inner thoughts, but how he expressed them: "Your Majesty, I have a few ideas.

First, please grant a name to the loom.

Second, I have just clearly explained the loom's technology. Your Majesty can have the state set up large weaving workshops, recruiting common people to participate in the factory weaving. This way, you can control the national weaving market.

Just think, Your Majesty, with a hundred thousand looms under your command, not only will the common people be free from worries about clothing and food, but you could also sell cloth abroad.

Your Majesty, we can purchase raw materials from abroad, process them into cloth, and then sell them back overseas. About 20 bolts of cloth could earn a pure profit of one tael of silver.

With a hundred thousand looms, we could produce approximately thirty million bolts of cloth in a year, yielding a pure profit of 1.5 million taels of silver. What a tremendous fortune that would be!"

Next, Li Xian proceeded to introduce concepts such as export trade, trade surpluses and deficits, enriching the nation through commerce and industry, and industrialized society. Of course, he spoke somewhat vaguely, noting that some matters should just be touched upon. He selectively forgot the idea of replacing agricultural taxes with industrial and commercial taxes.

Gradually, the emperor had descended from his platform and was standing before Li Xian, listening intently, occasionally asking about details.

After a long time, Li Xian finally summarized, "Therefore, technology must not be leaked; we must seal the borders.

Secondly, we need to plant enough grain, as well as a certain amount of cotton and hemp, and raise enough silkworms; this way, we will not be subject to others.

Furthermore, we must rally domestic forces to collectively develop commerce and industry.

Lastly, once we have wealth, we can arm more soldiers and train more powerful practitioners; thus, both military and commerce will advance hand in hand. In this way, not only will the Great Xia flourish, but we could even expand our territories and sweep across the world!"

"Good!" The emperor was so taken by Li Xian's rhetoric that he lost track of direction, feeling a surge of passionate fervor.

Finally, Li Xian presented his purpose: "Therefore, Your Majesty, I am preparing to hold an exhibition and sales event tomorrow, named the 'Industrial Expo.'"


"Your Majesty, please grant a name to the loom."

The emperor, filled with enthusiasm, commanded, "Someone, bring me ink and brush!"

Moments later, the emperor personally took the brush and elegantly wrote two pages of large characters:

First page: Industrial Expo;

Second page: Colorful Clothing Loom.

The emperor stated that he wanted all citizens to wear colorful garments.

He then stamped both edicts and handed them to Li Xian, saying, "My loyal minister, it will all depend on you tomorrow."

Li Xian was "overwhelmed with gratitude" and assured, "I will ensure Your Majesty is satisfied."

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