Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 27: A Plan Has Been Made

(Dragon Boat Festival Greetings)

Tens of thousands of people flooded into the small Qingyun Valley, leaving Li Xian overwhelmed. It's important to note that almost all of these people were disabled soldiers. The best among them had only lost a few fingers, while the worst had lost both arms. Taking care of such a large group of disabled individuals was truly a massive challenge.

Not to mention, along with the injured soldiers came their families—who were still on their way, packing up their belongings. It's expected that in the next ten days, 30,000 people will pour into the valley.

Provisions from An Yang City were stored in piles, and the factory supervisors were shouting at the top of their lungs to recruit workers. The scene was chaotic, but it was clear that most of the disabled soldiers were in high spirits, loudly proclaiming their skills and specialties. As for the manpower problem, it seemed there would be no need to worry for a long time.

Li Xian offered these disabled soldiers the same wages as ordinary craftsmen. After all, the reason these soldiers were disabled was because they had fought for the Li family.

The Great Xia Kingdom was now on the verge of collapse, and places like An Yang were essentially the Li family's backyard. Li Xian was dedicated to tending to his family's backyard.

By evening, Song Xing and his group arrived, exhausted and covered in dust. After days of relentless travel, they had not rested for over three days, having ridden on horseback almost non-stop.

"You've worked hard." Seeing the four dusty figures, Li Xian was genuinely moved. According to his original plan, it would have been enough if they had made it to Wuyang City in three days, but they had managed to make the round trip in that time.


"Young Master, the three young lords have stated that within three days, 2,500 bolts of textile materials will be delivered, and they will personally come as well. It took us a day and a half on the road, and they will arrive the day after tomorrow.

Additionally, the Wang family’s Neon Lantern Trading Company has copied our lanterns!" Without further ado, Song Xing took off his pack from his back and reported all the gathered information.

"The Wang family, huh?" Li Xian smirked mockingly. "You did very well. Sir, give each of them a reward of one tael of gold, and cover Song Xing’s expenses. Furthermore, reward Song Xing with 50 taels of gold."

"Thank you, Young Master." Song Xing was overjoyed.

After Song Xing and the others left, Xu Ren suddenly spoke, "Young Master, you gave too much."

"Too much?" Li Xian shook his head, "Not at all. Sir, what are people fighting so hard for? It all boils down to one word—'profit.' I want to show them that anyone who works for me will be rewarded; those who do the right things will be richly rewarded; and those who do important things, or even take the initiative to do important things, will be handsomely rewarded!

The reward must exceed their expectations in order to truly unite people’s hearts."

Xu Ren smiled wryly, "Young Master, I know you're right, but there are only a little over 300 taels of gold left in the treasury, and we don’t even have enough to pay the craftsmen’s wages next month."

Li Xian laughed heartily, "Sir, you’d better start preparing a second treasury. Before the New Year, we expect to have ten thousand taels of gold in the coffers. Haha…

Sir, just wait and see the miracles that industrial power will create."

Upon returning to the research department, the group opened and inspected the lanterns produced by the Wang family.

After carefully examining all the lanterns, Tang Rong came to a conclusion: "They've added a switch and copied our grounding wire technology, with a lifespan of about a year. The only difference from ours is that theirs doesn't have a glass casing."

Li Xian remained calm, "Being copied was something we fully expected. There are too many talented people in the world. But there’s no need to rush—let them enjoy their temporary success. For now, our focus should remain on textiles.

However, we can’t remain entirely passive. I imagine it's not just the Wang family that’s copying us; other families or even nations are likely doing the same.

Mr. Sun Ming, for the Lantern Trading Company, we will continue to focus on brand management, and we’ll increase the production and sale of mirrors. Starting today, we will withdraw entirely from the low-end market and focus all our efforts on the mid-to-high-end market. We aim to become the industry leader.

Additionally, we’ll define a new market—the luxury market. 

I have a design here called the ‘Crystal Chandelier,’ a type of chandelier specifically hung in the center of the ceiling beam. For the wiring, we’ll use some low-grade, leftover sea soul silk. 

Also, ask Aunt He to help by weaving a luxurious outer covering for the sea soul silk. This will serve two purposes: protecting the wire and enhancing its aesthetic appeal. As for the thickness of the cover, about the size of a chopstick will suffice, but we need multiple color options to allow customers to choose freely.

The sea soul silk will also be sold separately, priced at one and a half taels of gold per meter. We’ll also introduce our own measurement units alongside this.

As for the crystal chandeliers, all will be priced in gold. Before the New Year, we should produce at least nine crystal chandeliers. They should come in a variety of styles: rich gold, enchanting red, pure crystal, noble lavender, mystical pale blue, hazy fog white, soft elegant yellow, warm candlelight color, and vibrant multicolor."

The golden one will be sent to the imperial palace. We need to show everyone that what we produce is of the highest quality. As for the remaining eight, they will be auctioned!


When making the crystal chandeliers, use only the best and most expensive materials. Use stainless steel for some of the hooks and ensure a two-year lifespan with a ten-year maintenance guarantee. Use the various pure-colored glass we've already developed. We've prepared so much, and now is the time to show it off!

I want them to know that they will always look up at us from behind, only able to compete in the low-end market we've abandoned."

As he finished speaking, Li Xian was filled with vigor.

Sun Ming, still robust despite his age, said, "Nine is no problem at all. We could even make ninety. The molds needed for the crystal chandeliers are already available."

Li Xian chuckled, "Teacher, rarity increases value. Since we're targeting the luxury market, we need to keep it in a state of demand. As long as we control sea soul silk and the pure-colored glass technology, the high-end market will be ours alone, and others will only be left drooling."

Sun Ming looked at Li Xian for a long time before reaffirming his judgment, "You're a crafty businessman!"

Li Xian, thick-skinned as always, responded, "I'll take that as a compliment, Sir. Also, from now on, all our lanterns will have a lifespan of two years, and the price will be increased by fifty percent. If we're aiming for the mid-to-high-end market, we must ensure quality."

Sun Ming twitched his lips, sighing helplessly, "The longest formation we've developed can last five years. Just a little sea soul silk, only three inches long, is needed for the Na Yuan Formation."

"Then switch to five years," Li Xian generously agreed for once.

"You're being generous?" Sun Ming could hardly believe the young businessman was showing such generosity.

Li Xian's next words revealed his true intent: "The price will increase tenfold."

"Forget I said anything," Sun Ming retreated in defeat.

The research department erupted in laughter. After spending so much time together, the group had grown familiar, and Li Xian had truly integrated into the world of these "former craftsmen."

The cheerful atmosphere spread throughout Qingyun Valley. Two days later, the families of the wounded soldiers also began moving in. For these soldiers, being able to work again wasn’t just about earning extra income. More importantly, it gave their lives new meaning and hope for the future.

The real excitement came two days later in the evening, at sunset. A long line of carriages, spanning 1,500 li, appeared in front of Qingyun Valley, delivering 2,500 stones of textile materials.

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