Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 159: A Little Surprise?
The carriage carrying us arrived at the main gate of the royal castle. Compared to the last time I was here, it seems much more relaxed.
At the main gate, even though we were invited, our belongings were thoroughly checked. It was not just about belongings. A physical check was also conducted.
“It seems that caution is still in place.”
“Yes, it is. I think it will last for a while.”
Brother Alex is looking at me with a distant look in his eyes, as if he is depressed. I’m depressed too. The good news is that there’s little chance of war with the neighboring countries.
As soon as we entered the castle, the knights took us to the guest rooms. I have a feeling that we are being taken much deeper into the castle, but maybe it’s just my imagination? If my senses are correct, I think we are getting close to the royal family’s private space.
I’m getting nervous. I guess I will never get used to it no matter how many times I come here. From here, I’ll probably go to the throne room and greet them. My stomach was starting to hurt. The fact that we were brought to such a far room must mean that there must be a lot of people who wish to have an audience with them. This is going to be a long wait.
While I was sipping my tea, I heard a knock at the door. Is it already time to go? It’s sooner than I thought. As I was thinking that, the door was opened into a double-door.
Seeing this, the older brother rushed to his feet. This is the arrival of a big guy. Is it Daniela-sama? Yes, that’s the most likely pattern. Maybe it’s Chloe-sama. Without a pause, I stood up too.
“His Majesty the King has arrived.”
The royal guard knight said so. I managed to restrain myself from crying out and hurriedly bowed my head.
What the hell is going on? Why is His Majesty the King visiting the guest room? Normally, we’re the ones who go there, right? I want to see my brother’s face, but I can’t look up right now.
“Alex, Julius, thank you for coming. You may look up.”
There were His Majesty the King and Her Royal Highness the Queen. I wondered if they had noticed my confusion. Both of them were smiling. It seems they had successfully pulled off a surprise.
“I’m sorry to startle you. But meeting in the throne room makes it easier for rumors to spread.”
No, I think it’s more likely to become a rumor if you come to the guest room. …… I glanced at my brother, he had a drawn out smile on his face, as if he didn’t know either.
“From today onwards, my younger brother will be in your care.”
“Thank you and please take care of me.”
I bowed my head along with my brother. His Majesty the King stopped us.
“Both of you, stop. I’m the one who called you. There’s no need to bow your head like that. It’s we who must bow.”
“Please stop, Your Majesty.”
Before His Majesty the King could bow his head, my brother stopped him. Nice, big brother. If word spread that His Majesty the King was bowing to his subjects, I don’t know how it would spread. Of course, His Majesty the King probably has no intention of truly bowing down, but we still have to stop him.
“I am indebted to you, Julius. I would be grateful if you would work towards the development of magic potions in our country.”
“Ha! I will devote myself to it.”
I placed my hand on my chest and took a retainer’s bow. Next to me, my elder brother also struck the same pose. Oh, my stomach, my stomach hurts. It’s rude to say this, but I want it to be over soon.
“Daniela wants to see you. You should go see her later.”
My elder brother answered. Apparently, as expected, we will be going to greet Daniela-sama as well. I wonder if Chloe-sama will be there too? I’m starting to feel heavy.
“We have prepared a compounding room for you. Please feel free to use it.”
His Majesty the King looked at me and a servant brought a card. It seemed to be a permit to use the room. I’ll have to make sure I don’t lose it.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it! Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll get it for you.”
Seriously! I never thought that he would buy me anything. With this, I may be able to get some hard-to-find materials. Griffon fangs, unicorn horns, slime crowns, golem cores. There are so many things I want.
While I was daydreaming, His Majesty the King and Her Royal Highness the Queen left. They probably have another job. I guess it’s hard for the royal family after all. Should I give them something to relieve their fatigue? How about some stamina recovery potions? No, that’s not good. I feel like they’re going to be in a state of high tension. I’ll think of something.
The older brother sighed as he slumped down in a chair with a thud. It’s so unusual to see my brother behaving like this. I am sure that my brother did not know about this surprise.
“I beg you, Julius. I want you to be at least a little concerned about your brother’s stomach.”*
“No, um, …… sorry.”
Apparently, it was my fault. I had a feeling it was, too.
It seems I’m held in very high esteem. That’s true. I saved his life, after all.
With a sigh, I sat down next to my brother. Soon a servant came to bring tea. Yes, the tea is delicious.
Not too long after that, a messenger from the royal court potion master arrived. I thought my brother was coming with him, but it seems that we will be going our separate ways from here. A messenger from Daniela-sama came to him.
“Julius, we are going to have lunch together. Please come back to this room before then. They’re going to leave this room open for us.”
“Then, Julius-sama, I will show you around.”
Said a young man wearing a long, dark green robe. It seemed that the color of this robe was the color of the royal court potion masters. I wonder if I should also prepare a robe of this color.
I have my own white coat, though. It would be easier to tell when chemicals got on my clothes if they are white.
I said goodbye to my brother and then followed him. I passed a few nobles, but they were all craning their necks. That’s right. A child is wandering around the royal castle without a guardian.
I followed along while mentally checking the map in my brain. I really want to get a map of the castle, but a map of a castle is probably confidential information, right? Let’s give up.
After turning several corners and going up and down many stairs, I arrived at a heavy wooden door. In the meantime, I decided to give up the idea of coming this far on my own. I would call a guide once I got to the castle. It’s a bit of a maze, isn’t it? No, it’s a dungeon.
The young man knocked on the door and there came a voice telling us to enter. The young man pushed the door open and urged me to go in.
Whoa, I’m getting nervous. Now, what kind of person is the head of the Royal Palace Magic Potions Division?