Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 86: Team Orihime, Departure.

The day after creating the Felis Type 5 prototype, a variable-weight striking weapon, Isamu started improving the carriage.

The focus was on developing dampers using Metal Leech to reduce the shaking associated with increased carriage speed.

"Oh, so the lack of a damper is causing the carriage to shake violently..."

"While that's not the only cause, it's one of the factors. Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed in other solutions."

"Indeed, as you say. Leaf springs tend to shrink and expand after being compressed."

Pointing at the leaf spring removed from the carriage in front of him, Eto spoke.

"I don't know how much improvement we can achieve, but it's worth trying."


"True. Well, try various things."

The current expensive carriage is equipped with suspension made from leaf springs, connecting the axle to the body. While a simple structure, it's significantly better compared to cargo carriages without any countermeasures.

This time, the plan was to add Metal Leech dampers between the axle and the body.

The aim was simple: by channeling water-attribute magic power into Metal Leech, could it be used as damping force, given its gooey and elastic properties? Initially, Isamu considered stretching it out and using it as a substitute for rubber tires. However, he abandoned that idea due to the need to secure magic stones to the wheels, which could lead to them coming off or flying away.

Since I have no idea how much magic power is optimal, I'll start by finding the right balance there.

I'll draw activation circles on the carriage body and fix cylindrical metal leeches to the magic circles and axles of the carriage. Then, I'll flow a certain amount of magic power and run the carriage to confirm the state once the properties change.

It's a painstaking process, but I have no choice but to try and test while collecting data.

Fortunately, I had obtained magic arrays that could control the amount of magic power externally in the ruins.

If I didn't have this, I would have had to rewrite the magic circles each time I tried, and keeping the property values within a certain range would have been difficult and very time-consuming.

Repeatedly experiencing rough jolts due to too little magical power, almost biting my tongue, or nearly getting my vestibular system knocked out due to pouring in too much magic power, I finally manage to find a suitable amount of magical power after half a day of trial and error.

"About 200 (※) seems to be a good amount."

"Yes, this way, adjusting it against the escaping magic power seems easier."

Based on the preliminary investigation, Isamu knew that the water-attribute magic power that could be poured into Metal Leech had a limit of 400 and would release two units per second after 60 seconds. Considering this, he decided to maintain a magic power level of 200, injecting 4 units per second for the first 40 seconds and then reducing it to 2 units per second. This way, he could maintain a total of 200 after 60 seconds, maintaining a balance of zero.

There might be other combinations, but since adjusting magic power levels was a simple task, he decided to adopt these values for now.

With the results-based magic circle drawn and implemented, they conducted field tests outside the city to determine how much speed increase was acceptable.

As knights often handled carriages, Liddell was asked to be the test driver this time.

"Indeed, the unpleasant vibrations, jolts, and the fluffy feeling have reduced!"

Liddell called out from the driver's seat.

"Yes, it's quite comfortable at the same speed as before."

Isamu agreed. Even if increasing the speed was challenging, the effect of reducing discomfort during regular movement was confirmed. 

"Okay, let's increase the speed a bit."


Saying so, Liddell slightly increased the speed. Vibrations seemed a bit stronger than before, but it was still within an acceptable range.

"At this speed, about 20-30% faster than before. It's amazing; it's quite thankful that there's no impact on the body even at this speed!"

When traveling long distances without changing horses, it's said to be most efficient to move at walking speed. Even if you go faster, the running time becomes shorter, ultimately reducing the range. Previously, when using the carriage to move at a slightly faster pace, the severe shaking made it quite uncomfortable, so they usually traveled at a relaxed pace. This improvement would change that.

After gradually increasing the speed and conducting test runs, they found that it was bearable up to a brisk walking speed. The carriage improvement was temporarily concluded.

Considering that Isamu started by just groping at possibilities, he could say that this is a pretty good result.

They also concurrently requested the lord, Selfers, to ask artisans and adventurers in the city to find materials that could be used as makeshift rubber tires. By the time they returned from the Innocenti border territory, they should have found some suitable materials, so the carriage improvement would continue.

Thus, five days were spent in a rush, preparing for the trip and developing solutions. On the morning of the day they departed for the Innocenti border territory, the entire team Orihime and two additional knights designated for the escort were gathered in the front yard of the viscount's mansion. They were going to Innocenti border territory for a visit with the complete preparations.

The high-capacity magic power supply magic circle was completed through the efforts of Eto and Willem. Mizeroi, through daily rigorous training, had become somewhat proficient in using the variable-weight Warhammer.

After conveying the precautions, such as the need for idling after activating the magic circle for the improved carriage, a few test runs were performed, and now all the escort members could serve as drivers without any issues.

The entire team visiting the Innocenti territory, consisting of Team Orihime's group, Silvio and his squire who will accompany the delivery, and five additional knights who will act as escorts, are fully prepared and at the Viscount's mansion. They were gathered in the front garden.

Isamu was talking with theViscount, Selfers, and his wife, Nicolette, as they watched everyone hurry through the final checks..

"First, we're visiting the neighboring Viscount Jansen, right?"

"Yes. Together with Annemarie, for Orihime's divine object... um, what was it again?"

"A household shrine. I think it's because we expect the consumption of firewood, one of the major industries in the neighboring area, to decrease with the spread of magic stoves. So I’m wondering wgat we should do.They are good at woodworking, so we might have a mutually beneficial deal."

Nicolet explained again to Isamu, who had forgotten.

They had planned to inquire about taking on the custom production of a household shrine, a shelf to display the Orihime’s divine object, at the Jansen residence. The mother and daughter, foreseeing a steady increase in sales in the future, had planned to request it from the beginning at a place where it would be easy to increase production.

"After negotiating the production request for the household shrine, we plan to go down the river. It's my first time going down a river; is it not dangerous? If we're attacked by monsters on the river, there's nowhere to escape, and it seems quite challenging..."

"Unlike the sea, there are few large monsters in the river. It's relatively easy because monsters from the land won't attack. It's even more comfortable."

"I see, that's good then."

Isamu sighed in relief, feeling assured that the situation wouldn't become desperate.

"Isamu-san, inspection complete. We can depart anytime!"

As preparations seemed to be complete during their conversation, Anne-Marie, who was leading the command, called out.

"Thank you! We'll leave right away!"

After briefly turning back to respond, Isamu faced the lord and his wife again to bid farewell.

"Well then, we're setting off for the delivery of magic stoves to the Innocenti border territory and exploration of the ruins within that territory. I apologize for being absent, but please take care."

"Ah, go ahead. Like I've said before, you don't need to worry about us, just enjoy yourselves."

"That's right. This time is a friendly visit to the neighboring territory, so go with a travel mood. Oh, and I'm expecting the distance between you and that girl to shorten."

"Wait, Nico, what do you mean by that?"

"Who knows?"

"Hahaha, I intend to handle it positively."

With a wry smile at Nicolette's usual self, scratching his head while evading the topic, Isamu turned back to the couple.

"Well then, we're off!"

"Take care."

"Have a safe journey."

Having received the farewells, the members of Team Orihime began to move simultaneously. After exchanging departure greetings individually, the caravan, led by the horse ridden by Felix, the dedicated escort captain, set off. They slowly passed through the city and exited the gate. Continuing west towards the first destination, the neighboring capital Yanseil, they gradually increased their speed.

This time, the caravan consisted of three carriages and five horses. The breakdown of the carriages included the Orihime Trading Company's carriage with Isamu, Anne-Marie, maid Karina, and two dedicated escorts; the Zambrotta Trading Company's carriage with Silvio, his two attendants, Eto, and Willem; and the bath carriage (modified) with two additional knights in the fluid position. The remaining two dedicated escorts and three fluid-position knights rode horses, undertaking reconnaissance and keeping watch on the surroundings.

The journey to Yanseil was remarkably peaceful. Although they encountered small groups of monsters a few times, they were swiftly dealt with by Orihime's who was bored with the knights and carriages. They stayed overnight in the town of Badalona, just inside Viscount Jansen territory, and arrived in Yanseil as planned the next evening.

After a night's stay, they set out the next day. The purpose was to visit the residence of Lord Dafydd Jansen, the local lord, for negotiations regarding the commissioned production of the household shrine.

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1 thought on “Chapter 86”

  1. Thank you for the amazing translation. I’m curious why (without logging in), chapters 86-88 are of a different story in the table of contents for “In Another World with cats”?

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