Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 54: Lost destination…
Tauro, who has been out of commission for several months, had to start over at G-rank.
Even Leo, the head of the Adventurer’s Guild Saïshi branch, couldn’t do anything about this.
It was a guild rule.
If you don’t do any quests for more than two months, your rank will be demoted, and if it’s been more than five months, your qualifications will be revoked.
The only exception to this rule is for B-level adventurers and above (top-tier).
This is because long quests are the norm.
Tauro was disqualified because he was over five months absent, so he paid the fee and registered again.
This time, he registered as just “Tauro”, not “Tauro Satou”.
Since his father was wanted as a bandit, he was not comfortable using the family name “Satou”.
Besides, there was the matter of the future.
The name “Tauro Satou” was now known among nobility and the royal family, for better or worse, and it was too heavy for him now.
So he just decided to start over as “Tauro”.
Tauro was quietly doing his errand quest.
He was carrying stones for the castle wall repair.
It’s been a long time since he’d done any real exercise, so he was gasping for air.
But after a period of hell and recuperation, he felt happy to be moving his body.
It was a moment when he realized that freedom is a precious thing.
An adventurer, Will, who had been doing errand quests as punishment called out to him.
“Tauro-kun, are you okay? Don’t overdo it.”
“I’m fine!”
Tauro replied Will cheerfully.
The adventurer nodded and continued his work.
Tauro proposed to Leo about the margin of Yasuragi-tei.
“You want us to buy the rights?”
“Yes, so that you don’t have to keep paying the margin.”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah. I’m thinking of moving. I want to get my own place.”
“And you want a lot of money for that?”
“Something like that.”
Tauro told Leo.
“I’ll buy it from you if you want.”
Tauro offered a lower price, but Leo was not convinced and ended up paying several times the amount Tauro had offered.
“And the curry shop…”
Tauro began.
“That’s no good.”
Leo answered immediately.
“You built it from the ground up, and you funded it. We’ll run it, but you keep the rights. You can withdraw the money wherever there’s an adventurer’s guild.”
Leo, perhaps sensing what Tauro was thinking, replied meaningfully.
“Thank you very much.”
Tauro bowed deeply.
“I told you not to do that when we first met here.”
Leo then turned around and waved for him to leave.
Tauro bowed to him again and left the office.
Nei was at the receptionist desk.
When she noticed Tauro coming down from the second floor, she winked at him.
“Tauro-kun, did your errand quest go well?”
“Yes, I was a bit breathless, but it’s good to get moving, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
Nei burst into tears, remembering the past few months.
“Please don’t cry.”
Tauro said with a smile.
“I’m sorry, my tear ducts have been a little loose lately.”
“Yes, Nei-san. I’m going to King’s Landing again, and I need an escort.”
“To King’s Landing? Oh, you are going to greet the people over there. You said you’ve only thanked them by letter, so I understand.”
“Thank you very much.”
Tauro bowed deeply.
Nei must have thought it was a joke because she laughed and waved her hand to interrupt him.
On the morning of his departure for the capital, Leo came to see him off.
“Leo-san, what’s wrong?”
Nei, who had also come to see him off was surprised to see Leo there.
The guard was Mina
“I know you must be busy. Are you sure you want to be my bodyguard?”
“Yes, it’s fun going to the capital with you.”
Tauro nodded, thinking that it would be hard to tell her that he was only going on a one-way journey.
“Thank you Leo-san and Nei-san for seeing me off. I’ll be going now.”
Again, Tauro bowed deeply.
It was the bow of a lifetime.
“Tauro, you’re taking too long.”
Nei laughed and waved her hand.
He lifted his head and looked them in the eye. Tauro thanked the city of Saisi in his heart for their help and left to find a new place to live.
End of Part I…