Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 326 Unexpected Injuries
Tauro and his group decided to focus on activities at the Adventurer’s Guild Royal Capital Headquarters until Tauro personally resumes his “dungeon Capture Team Transfer quest” at the Adventurers’ Guild Dragon People Village Branch.
“Leader, it seems there is a Harpy subjugation quest?”
Ankh points to a quest posted in the D-rank zone of the large bulletin board at the headquarters of the Royal Capital.
“Harpies, huh? Many adventurers are not good at defeating flying-type monsters, so they tend to be avoided.”
Tauro answered while looking at the quest.
“Really? I have defeated them before, and we have Tauro’s bow, Ankh’s flying slash, and Aeris’s magic. I also have stamina, but I think I can do enough to keep everyone in a good balance if I just stick to my role of protecting everyone else?”*
Ragune gave the best analysis.
“Yes, and since no one else is taking on this quest, it seems like it’s a high contribution?”
Aeris found a mark in the corner of the posted quests that indicated an increase in the contribution level and pointed to it.
For adventurers who cannot read very well, the quests are marked with pictures of the monsters to be killed, the number of kills, the amount of reward, and the contribution level, etc., so that they can easily understand the information.
This is not a matter of concern to Tauro and his crew, as they can all read and write, but it is important in a world where literacy is low.
“Then, let’s take on this project to score some points, shall we?”
After saying that, Tauro peeled off the overhanging paper and headed for the reception to accept the quest.
The Harpies subjugation battle took place in a small mountain, half a day’s drive each way to the north.
We were told that there were a few harpies living in the area, but when we arrived, there were more than a dozen of them.
But still, in the beginning, the subjugation was carried out without any problems.
The harpy’s singing voice was also not misleading because they were basically wearing earplugs to deal with the illusory attacks.
However, in the middle of the subjugation, during a short break in the fight, Ragune forgot to put on her earplugs and continued the subjugation battle, causing trouble.
The sound of Harpy’s singing voice had completely mesmerized Ragune.
“Ragune, wake up!”
Ankh calls out to her, but the illusion is not broken.
So Tauro tried to use an abnormality recovery magic, but a Harpy flew in and interfered.
Pella broke her mimicry and prevented that.
Pella always devotes herself to protecting Tauro and does not attack him.
Tauro unexpectedly interrupted his chanting, but immediately started chanting again.
In the meantime, Ragune, in a state of illusion, attacked a nearby ankh with her magic spear.
“A black colored goblin is a rarity. A subspecies! They will be defeated~!”
Ragune’s eyes were bloodshot as she delivered a powerful blow with her magic spear at Ankh.
“Who’s a goblin!”
Ankh just barely dodges Ragune’s merciless sharp blow with his agility, which has been dramatically increased by the equipment given to him by Tauro, and counterattacks Ragune.
If he did not counterattack, he would be on the defensive and it would be dangerous for him.
“Wait, Ragune, wake up! Wake up!”
Aeris, panicked by the confusion of her comrades, chanted recovery magic, but there was no change in Ragune, probably because it had no effect on the illusion.
Meanwhile, Tauro cast an abnormality recovery magic on Ragune, and Ragune recovered.
“huh?!What in the world am I !?”
Ragune came to her senses, and just when they thought she had settled down.
Once again, the Harpies pulled Ragune into a state of illusion again with their singing voice without a pause.
Once again, Ragune, who had fallen into a state of confusion, launched an attack, this time against Aeris.
Neither Ankh, Tauro, nor Aeris herself could react to this.
Except for Pella.
Pella instantly moved to Aeris’s side and deflected the tip of Ragune’s powerful magic spear.
No, it was probably all she could do to deflect it as quickly as possible.
The magic spear missed Aeris’s stomach and grazed her right thigh.
Although it only grazes, the magic spear does enough damage with it.
The magic spear, which has an earth attribute, ravages the wound.
What would normally be a clean stab wound becomes a wound that looks as if it has been sliced open by a rough blade that has chipped edges.
Aeris let out a scream from the pain and collapsed on the spot.
Tauro doesn’t rush over right away, but first casts an abnormality recovery spell to heal Ragune.
Then, he immediately poured a potion on Aeris.
“Oh no ……! I’m sorry Aeris!”
While Ragune came to her senses and was upset by the disaster before her, Ankh immediately slashed down the singing harpy with a flying slash enchanted with wind magic.
Tauro shot down the remaining Harpies with his bow as well, then walked over to Aeris once again and poured a precious advanced potion over the wound to heal it.
“Ragune, I’ll be fine.”
Aeris called out to Ragune, who was upset, her face contorted in anguish.
Ankh also walked up and poured an advanced emergency potion that Tauro had given him over Aeris’s wounds.
Aeris’s wounds healed quickly, but the damage from the magic spear could not, and Aeris’s eyebrows were still wrinkled from the pain.
Unable to contain her agitation, Ragune cried beside Aeris and held her hand.
“Aeris, I’m sorry ……!”
“I’m fine, it’s okay. It hurts, but Tauro and the others treated it right away, so there’s not much bleeding, so don’t worry about it. ……
Aeris called out to Ragune as she endured the pain.
Tauro decided that even if Aeris’s wounds had healed on the surface, they hadn’t completely healed on the inside.
“Ragune, let’s take Aeris to the village of the Dragon People with the ‘dimensional corridor’. It will be faster to treat her over there.”
He suggested.
The upset Ragune regained some of her composure at Tauro’s words and immediately opened the “dimensional corridor” to transport Aeris to the village of the Dragon People with Tauro’s “spatial transfer”.