Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 157: Unscheduled Visits
Tauro and Aeris hurriedly changed their clothes and got ready. They were rushed by the messenger to the carriage that took them to the nobles’ residential area, where many nobles were gathered.
The two had already been to this area before when they met with the nobles.
That’s why Tauro suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.
Count Ayanshi is a powerful noble in the Marquis of Halagoura faction.
This area is home to a relatively large number of middle and lower class nobles, but the higher class nobles live in another area, in a mansion on a very large plot of land.
Of course, there are some high ranking nobles who also live here, but is Count Ayanshi unique among that faction?
Well, they’ll know when they meet him.
Tauro was convinced of this and the horse-drawn carriage took him to Count Ayanshi’s mansion.
The mansion he arrived at was quite large, but the atmosphere was not quite what one would expect from such a powerful man.
“Please come in, then.”
The messenger showed them the way to the mansion.
Tauro and the others were ushered inside.
The interior was simple.
Or rather, it was too simple.
When Tauro checked the flow of people in the house with his “presence detection,” he couldn’t confirm whether the inhibition skill was being used or not.
The escorting Kingsguard seemed to be the same and shook his head when he saw Tauro.
There are many aristocrats who do not like to be probed and keep people with inhibiting skills by their side.
This may be the characteristic of a high-ranking nobleman.
“The escorts will wait in this room.”
The messenger tried to lead the guards and Tauro to another room.
“Oh, I will be with Miss Aeris, so please inform Count Ayanshi.”
The messenger furrowed his brow in thought.
“Please wait a moment while I go confirm.”
He then went into the guest room alone.
After a while, the messenger returned.
“They are going to see you two, please come in.”
Tauro and Aeris entered the guest room as guided by the messenger.
The door to the guest room was about to close.
Tauro felt a prickle of pain in his neck.
Ah, this pattern again.
Tauro looked back and saw a man standing in the shadow of the door with a thin tube in his mouth.
Aeris was being held by the mouth and was being choked.
Tauro’s body went slightly numb, but quickly returned to normal.
This time it was not a poison, but a paralyzing one.
The weak effect was probably intended for Aeris.
Tauro’s “resistance to abnormalities” and the “Dark Spirit’s Blessing (Weak),” which strengthens it, drowned out the effect of the paralysis.
Tauro immediately drew his small sword and came at him.
“Why won’t you fall down?”
The men were surprised at the boy.
First, Tauro slashed the arm of the man who was pinning Aeris in a chokehold, then released her and slashed at the man who had stuck the paralyzing needle in him.
The man with the paralyzing needle was caught off guard by the needle not working on Tauro, so he was unable to respond to his movement and Tauro easily stabbed him in the side with his small sword, causing him to scream.
Tauro no longer looked at the man with the paralyzing needle, but went to the man who he had slashed first.
The man ran to the back door, holding his slashed arm.
But Tauro’s agility was more outstanding.
In a flash, he closed the distance and thrust a small sword into his thigh.
“It hurts!”
The man fell and crumpled to the ground in place, clutching at the door.
Outside the noble room, the messenger man could be heard pushing and shoving with the Kingsguard in front of the door.
“Aeris, are you alright?”
“I’m okay. Tauro, are you alright with the needle in your neck?”
Aeris looked at Tauro’s neck with concern.
“I’m fine.”
He replied, pulling out the needle and dumping it on the spot to show it to her.
“It looks like the Marquise of Van Dyne sent them to do this too…”
As he looked at the wounded men, Tauro understood the discomfort he had been feeling.
The messenger was struggling with the guards in front of the door, but when the door opened and Tauro came out, he was surprised and perhaps because of his surprise, he became unresisting and was held back by the guards.
“It was a trap.”
Tauro reported to the Kingsguard, who entered the room, seized the two wounded men and tied them up.
The injuries were quickly treated with potions from Tauro and healing magic from the Kingsguard.
“I suppose this was supposed to work in conjunction with my re-assassination.”
Tauro said to Aeris as they pushed the three criminals into the carriage and took a breath.
“What? Tauro, were you targeted again?”
Tauro remembered something he had not yet reported, and when he explained what had happened with the assassin in the morning, Aeris had a mixed expression, not knowing whether to be angry or relieved.