Chapter 24 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 24

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 24: The Sixth Floor

Dungeon, Floor 6. From here, we need to be careful with monster battles.

Goblin archers using bows and slimes that cling to the ceiling and suddenly drop down appear here.

The presence of goblin archers, in particular, is something to watch out for. This is the first time we encounter monsters with long-range attack capabilities.

If I were alone, I could dodge them, but Celia is with me this time. It will be difficult for Celia to avoid the goblin archers’ arrows.

"Celia, first let’s target the goblin archers together. We need to focus on them right away."

Being hit by a club and being hit by arrows are entirely different in terms of damage. In that sense, the goblin archers cannot be ignored.

"Understood. Are there any other points to be cautious about?"

Celia nodded with a serious expression. Even though it's a lower floor, lives are at stake. Celia is serious too.

"Sometimes slimes cling to the ceiling. When you pass underneath, they drop down. If we find any, we need to take them down immediately."


After confirming the precautions, Celia and I proceed through the 6th floor with caution.

Along the way, we took down two slimes that had stuck to the ceiling with Celia’s magic. Just as we were about to move on, we heard the sound of multiple bare feet scampering from the right side of a T-junction.

It’s probably goblins. Did they come after hearing the explosion from Celia’s magic?

"Celia, goblins! Target the goblin archers!"




As I warned Celia, goblins appeared. Two goblins with clubs and one goblin archer!


As soon as the goblin archer appeared, Celia’s magic activated. The spell successfully blew the goblin archer away.

"Flowing Dual Claws!"

Using the skill, I defeated the remaining two goblins, and the battle ended. All that was left was one goblin’s club as a drop.

"Nice job, Celia! Great Fireball!"

"Thank you."

Celia playfully pinched her cloak and performed a curtsy, a side of her that she’s started showing recently. It just makes me fall for her even more. Our relationship is really good.

"However, another club..."

The goblin drop items are pretty lackluster. They don’t sell for much, they’re bulky, and we’ll have to leave them behind. It’s a bit of a waste.


At that moment, Celia suddenly cast a spell. I reached for my twin swords, thinking monsters were approaching, but something fell from the ceiling. A transparent bottle with a light blue liquid inside. It’s slime solution.

"A slime was coming. I'm glad I noticed it."

"Thanks, Celia. That was a big help."

Slime solution sells for a high price, so I’m happy. Both the solution and the bottle are valuable.

"Well then, let’s proceed cautiously."


I picked up the slime solution and had Celia put it in the backpack on my back, and we continued exploring the 6th floor.

After a while, and after several more battles, we finally found the stairs to the 7th floor about thirty minutes later.

Along the way, we found a treasure chest and obtained some soap. We’ll sell that too.

"Good job, Celia. We’ve cleared the 6th floor."

"Yes. Good work, Leon-sama."

We were in the room with the staff monument. This is a safe area where no monsters come.

"Well then, let’s head to the 7th floor."


Let’s keep making progress through the dungeon at this pace.

"Um, Leon-sama?"

"What is it, Celia?"

As we were descending the stairs to the 7th floor, Celia spoke up.

"Your magic seems to be somewhat special. Its power is extraordinarily high, and it seems fundamentally different from the fire magic I use—"

Though I had only used magic in front of Celia a few times, it seems she had some doubts.

So, how should I respond?

The reason my magic is special is, of course, because I inherited the power of Ifrit.

But what if Celia believed that Ifrit would save her?

If she were to learn that the Ifrit who was supposed to save her was gone, what would happen to her?

Would she fall into deep despair?

I can’t crush Celia’s hopes. Even if it means lying. Now isn’t the time for that. Perhaps when our trust grows stronger, there might come a time to talk about it.

"Perhaps it has something to do with Leon-sama losing attributes other than fire? Maybe you—"

"Celia, I’m sorry, but it’s still a secret."

Celia showed a fleeting look of hurt.

"...A secret, is it?"

"Yes, there might be a time when I can share it with you. But for now, it remains a secret."

"I see..."

I didn’t know what to say to the downcast Celia.

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