Chapter 17 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 17

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 17: Celia and the Dungeon

"Celia, let's go on a date!"

One day, after my dual-wielding swords had reached a certain level of proficiency, I decided to invite Celia to a dungeon.


Celia blushed slightly and tilted her head in confusion. Even such a bewildered Celia looked adorable. I'd love to capture this moment in a screenshot.

"First, put this on."

"This is... a cloak?"

"I hope you'll forgive me for the not-so-cute design. I don't want to stand out too much. It's for stealth. And don't forget the staff from last time. Today, we'll check how it feels to use the staff."

"Do you need the staff you gave me? I'll bring it."

Wearing the black cloak and holding the Ancient Rod, Celia looked like an experienced magician, at least in appearance.

I also put on a matching black cloak and equipped swords on either side of my waist.

With a backpack full of various items, I was ready to set off.

"Alright, Celia, let's go."


Since Celia is still a child and a maid assigned to me, she has few duties around the mansion. Her main job is taking care of me. It shouldn't be a problem to take her along.

We headed outside the mansion and walked through the city.

Celia gazed around curiously at the sights of the city.

"It's lively, isn't it?"

"This city has a dungeon, so there are many adventurers, and there are also many merchants who do business with adventurers. It's a place where people tend to gather."

"I see."

I wanted to hold Celia's hand as we walked next to each other, but I lacked the courage to do so.

With such sweet and sour inner conflict, we arrived at the dungeon.

"So this is the dungeon..."

Celia looked up at the dungeon, which resembled the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

"Yes. This is the 'Heaven's Trial' dungeon. Well, instead of climbing a tower, we'll be going underground."

"Is that so? I thought we would be climbing..."

Celia opened her mouth, a little embarrassed.

"So, where are we heading today?"

"The dungeon."


Under the hood of her cloak, Celia blinked in surprise. So cute! I want to capture this moment on video!


"Yeah. It's okay to use magic here, and there are targets too."

"Targets... But, isn't it dangerous?"

"Since it's a shallow floor, the danger is minimal. Besides, I'll make sure to protect you."


I mustered up my courage and took Celia's hand.

"Let's go, Celia."


After confirming that Celia nodded, looking down, I gently pulled her hand and we headed into the dungeon.


"So this is the dungeon..."

The wide corridor made of gray stone echoed with Celia's murmur.

Celia gripped the Ancient Rod tightly with both hands, looking as if she was at maximum alert.

"Celia, don't be so nervous. For the monsters on the first floor, you could probably defeat them with a single spell. Only weak monsters appear here."

Well, there are exceptions like rare pop monsters, but we probably won't encounter any. They're rare pops after all.

"I see."

Celia relaxed slightly, seeming a bit more at ease.

"I'll take the front line. Celia, stay behind and target the monsters with your magic."

"Is that alright? Isn't it usually the other way around?"

"I want to practice with my dual swords, so this works. Now, let's go."


As we continued through the dungeon, we soon encountered a monster.

A rabbit with a single horn on its forehead. A Horn Rabbit.

The Horn Rabbit seemed to notice us and charged at us, targeting me, the one walking in front.

"Celia, use magic!"

"Yes! Blaze Shot!"

The 'Blaze Shot,' leaving a trail of red light, struck the Horn Rabbit perfectly. The Horn Rabbit was knocked backward and then vanished into white smoke. The hunt was a success.

"Seria, well done! You’ve got some great skills."

"Thank you very much!"

"It looks like there are no drop items. Let's move on to the next area."

"Drop items?"

"Yeah. Sometimes when you defeat monsters, they drop items. For Horn Rabbits, it would be their horns or fur."

"I see..."

"Drop items and treasure chests that randomly appear in dungeons are the main sources of income for adventurers."

After that, we continued through the dungeon, defeating Horn Rabbits, slimes, goblins, and others, clearing the first floor.

"Good job, Celia. Try touching this staff."

I pointed to a monument made of gray stone.

"This was also at the dungeon entrance. What is it?"

"I don't know the exact principle, but touching this signifies that you've cleared the first floor. You can also warp from here back to the dungeon entrance, or warp from the entrance to this spot."

"That... If the principle were understood, it could lead to advancements in the country..."

"Yeah, it could."

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