Chapter 8 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 8

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 8: The Like-Minded Couple

“Meyleen, are you okay?”

When we reached the bedroom, Yulia took Meyleen’s hand as she sat up on the bed, looking at her with concern.

“Yes, I feel a bit nauseous from the morning sickness, but I’m alright.”

Even with her pale face, Meyleen gave Yulia a reassuring smile to avoid worrying her.


“Yes, really. So, please don’t worry too much?”

“Okay… um…”


Yulia looked like she wanted to ask Meyleen something, but was hesitant. It was unusual, as she usually never acted this way.

What is she trying to ask?

As I watched Yulia closely, she finally spoke up.

“…Is morning sickness… hard?”

Both Ivern and I had question marks floating above our heads at her question, but Bennett-san understood and started laughing heartily.

“Oh, Yulia, are you scared of morning sickness after seeing your friend in such bad shape?”

“Oh, is that it?”

“I-I… it’s just! Meyleen is usually so lively, but she looks so pale and unwell now…”

Ah, I see.

Yulia probably got scared, thinking she’d go through the same thing if she ever got pregnant.

When I realized this, I glanced at Ivern, whose face was bright red.

They’re already living together, so I’d imagine they’ve done that, yet he’s still embarrassed?

“Alright, pardon me for interrupting. I’m Bennett, a midwife. And you’re Meyleen-san, correct?”

“Yes, I’m Meyleen. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bennett-san.”

“Good. So, besides the nausea, have you experienced any other symptoms? For instance, abdominal pain, tightness, or any unusual bleeding?”

“Oh, no. So far, it’s only been the nausea. No other issues.”

“I see. It seems you’re just prone to more severe morning sickness. Have you ever heard anything similar from your mother?”

At this question, Meyleen gave a wry smile.

“I’m sorry. I’ve rarely spoken to my mother.”

“…I see.”

Bennett-san likely assumed that Meyleen’s mother had passed away.

That’s not quite it…

After a moment’s hesitation, Meyleen spoke to Ms. Bennett.

“Um… would you mind keeping what I’m about to tell you confidential?”

“Of course. It’s our duty to keep a patient’s secrets.”

With that assurance, Meyleen began to explain.

“Well, my mother is the queen of the Demon Kingdom, so she couldn’t be involved much in raising me. I was mostly brought up by my wet nurse, maidservants, and tutors.”

Bennett-san’s eyes widened at Meyleen’s confession, and she looked at her belly.

“So, that means… the child you’re carrying is… the child of the Demon Kingdom’s princess and a summoner?”

“Oh, I was queen for a time, so I’m actually the former queen.”


With Meyleen’s additional revelation, Bennett-san nearly lost her balance, even though she was seated.

“A-Are you alright, Bennett-san?”

As I supported her, she gripped my shoulder tightly.

“You… this child is a ticking time bomb! If the human or demon realms find out, they’ll try to take it!”

Bennett-san said this with a frightened expression, but I was well aware of that.

“I won’t let that happen. If anyone tries…”

Just imagining that moment, I felt my heart grow cold.

“…I’ll kill every single one of them.”

I could hear Bennett-san gasp sharply.

“So please, keep this confidential.”

I did my best to say it with a smile, hoping to ease her fears, but Bennett-san, her face pale, nodded repeatedly.

Was my smile that scary? I thought I was being friendly…

“Kenta, you’re scaring Bennett-san.”

“What? I was smiling, wasn’t I?”

“That smile is what’s terrifying!”

The tense atmosphere in the room seemed to thaw with Yulia’s words.

“Sorry, Bennett-san. You don’t need to worry; we won’t do anything to you.”

“Ah… as long as I keep my word, right?”

Ms. Bennett, understanding as ever, nodded with a faint smile, and I nodded back.

“Phew… I’ve really taken on a crazy job here.”

She sighed, then looked at me with a smirk.

“I haven’t had a request this tense since the time I helped deliver a royal family’s secret child back in my youth.”

Wow, so Bennett-san has been through some serious stuff.

This revelation instantly boosted my trust in her, but Ivern, hearing it for the first time, was visibly shocked.

“A secret royal child?! What’s that about? I’ve never heard of this!”

“I told you, it was in my youth. That child and their mother married into some noble family long ago, and now that child is likely the head of their household.”

“…So, that means there’s a sibling of the current king somewhere out there…”

Hearing Ivern’s comment, a question popped into my mind.

“Hey, can I ask something now, even though it’s a bit late?”

“What’s that?”

“This place I’m in—this is the Kingdom of Weimar, right?”

The room fell silent again as I asked.

“…Wait, don’t tell me you didn’t even know that?”

“Haha! That’s so like you, Kenta!”

Ivern and Bennett-san looked at me in disbelief, while Yulia burst out laughing. But, hey, isn’t it understandable?

“I’m not even from this world, alright? I’ve been running around for so long that I lost track of where I am.”

When I said this, Ivern made a face like he just remembered, then shook his head with a sigh.

“Two princesses from Weimar have come to you in a row, you know? You should’ve picked up on it by now.”

“All I thought was how irritating it was.”

My response made Ivern sigh heavily again, and Yuria burst into laughter once more.

After a brief chuckle, Ms. Bennett turned to Meyleen.

“You sure you’re okay with this man as your husband?”

“Excuse me, Bennett-san, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what it sounds like. He doesn’t respect royalty, has no interest in this world, and says he’ll kill anyone who tries to harm him. Are you really fine with a dangerous guy like this?”

Bennett-san had suddenly become quite blunt.

Maybe, after listening to my conversation with Ivern, she figured out where my boundaries are—namely, that I won’t do anything as long as I’m not betrayed.

Meyleen was initially surprised by Ms. Bennett’s question, but then she smiled and answered.

“Yes. I can’t imagine being with anyone but Kenta.”

Meyleen’s gentle smile seemed to catch Ms. Bennett off guard.

“Kenta has saved me multiple times. He protected me when my father tried to kill me and when I was banished from the Demon Kingdom and fell into despair.”

Then, Meyleen smiled at me.

“Kenta was betrayed by the humans’ kingdom, and I was betrayed by the Demon Kingdom. I can’t forgive the human kingdom that betrayed the man I love, and Kenta, who loves me, cannot forgive the Demon Kingdom that betrayed me. So…”

With a radiant smile, Meyleen declared,

“I love Kenta from the bottom of my heart because he promises to protect me against all odds.”

Seeing Meyleen smiling at me like that, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with love for her.


I sat on the bed and embraced her.

“Hehe. I love you, Kenta.”

As we held each other, Ms. Bennett remarked,

“What a pair of truly like-minded people.”

And with that, Yulia burst into laughter once more.

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