Chapter 9 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 9

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 9: How to spend New Year’s Eve

 Five months have passed since I opened “The Hideaway”. Today is the twenty-ninth of December.

 Every month in this world  has 30 days, so tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Apparently, there’s no New Year’s holidays in this country. I casually researched this with a customer.

 So “The Hideaway” is open for business as usual today, and Mr. Henry was having a late lunch as usual. I've been able to have quite a few conversations with Mr. Henry, who has been coming to the shop almost every day.

 Today’s daily special is sautéed lamb and apples. Comes with bread and soup. “I didn’t know that apples and mutton go well together. It’s delicious,” he said as he ate it.

 Illustration (By Mitemin)

“Are the civil servants at the castle working through the New Year’s holiday regardless?”

“No,…… it has a little to do with it. I think many of them will take tomorrow off.”

“So palace workers do take the day off.”

“Well, those who rest do rest."  

 Mr. Henry bristles. I feel like there’s something about this that I shouldn’t delve too deeply into.

“Sorry to interrupt your meal. Please enjoy your meal.”

 I said and was about to head for the kitchen when Mr. Henry added in a flustered tone, 

“It's normal for married people and people with lovers to spend the last day of the year together tomorrow. I think a lot of people will be taking the day off. If they don’t have someone like that, they will get together at someone's house with other people of the same gender and have a good time.”

 Really? I had no idea, but apparently I should have known.

  The customer who told me there were no holidays, I wish they had told me this information as well.

“Right. I was thoughtless. Maybe I should close temporarily tomorrow too.”

"Are you going to take a break after all...?"

 Henry’s eyebrows lowered just a little. He was absolutely heartbroken. I knew he liked my food, but that much?

“ Tomorrow is a day to relax at home with your spouses and loved ones, so no one will be eating out.”

“I’ll be working, but the castle cafeteria is closed tomorrow because not many people will be coming out. If this place is also closed, I’ll need to buy some bread today then.”

  Although He has a blank expression on his face, Henry-san’s energy is gothic. I can tell.

“ Mr. Henry, If you would come, I would be happy to open my store.”

“Really? Then I’ll be here tomorrow for sure.”

 His face suddenly changed from despondent to joyful. Though few people would be able to read the change.

“It's true. Do you have any requests for the menu? I’ll be taking your orders for tomorrow only.”

“I would like to try some of your favorite dishes, Mai-san”

“Okay. Leave it to me.”

"Usually on the last day of work, I would eat dry bread while working, but if I can eat a delicious lunch tomorrow as well, I'll be looking forward to working alone."

 Hang on. Alone? You mean, everyone will be resting except for you? And I thought it was thinly veiled, but does this mean he doesn’t have a girlfriend? Even though he’s such a beautiful, gentle person and the head civil servant? 

“I find it surprising that you’d be alone at the end of the year.”

“Why is that?”

“You’re  the head civil servant and your very kind.  You chased after me when I left the bar the other day, didn’t you? At that time, I thought that such a kind person must be very popular with the ladies.  I also thought that you were such a beautiful runner. …… I’m sorry. It was very rude of me to say such a thing to a customer. I am sorry.”

“I don’t think it’s rude.”

 His eyes were smiling as if he had heard something interesting. Did my words sound like I was consciously observing him as a man? No. I wasn't looking at him like that. Doesn't this sound like the owner of his favorite restaurant was flirting with him?

"Well, I like to appreciate beautiful things, cats are beautiful, and flowers are beautiful, and Mr. Henry is beautiful too…”

"You're trying to tell me that you don't think of me as a member of the opposite sex, right? I understand, so don't worry. Don’t be so flustered.”

 This is a pattern where if I say "Yes, that’s right," it will be rude! I was sweating and panicking, but Henry smiled slightly and said, “It's okay. You don't have to answer.''


 Wow, I screwed up.

 Mr. Henry relaxed for a while as usual and then left. I saw him off with a smile and then crouched down on the spot hemming and hawing.

I was trying to compliment him by saying, “You are charming,” but I messed up. idiot.

 What should I do? I made the kind Mr. Henry uncomfortable. I didn’t have to tell him that I didn’t see him that way because it wasn’t like he was confessing. Mr. Henry looked like he had been dumped by a woman he didn’t even like, right? 

 I slowly stood up.

 Tomorrow, I’ll do my best to serve a delicious lunch. I have to recover from my own mistakes.

 It was New Year’s Eve. Splendidly, not a single customer showed up. At two o’clock in the afternoon., Mr. Henry became the first customer to come. For some reason, he was carrying baked goods and a bouquet of flowers.

“Here, please take this if you like.”

“Um, what’s this for?”

“It’s an apology for making you open the store because of my selfishness. I’m sure you’ll tell me not to worry about it, but this is to make up for my guilt, and I’d be troubled if you didn’t, so you must accept it.”

“Well, ……. Thank you very much. I won’t  hesitate to accept it then. I’m glad.”

 Mr. Henry smiled at me. He smiled so clearly. I had never seen it before.

 As I decorated the table with the bouquet of flowers I had received and arranged the food, Henry-san was surprised.

“It’s gorgeous.”

“It’s impossible to offer this selection on a day when there are so many customers, so this is a special lunch just for today.”

 In my favorite “little bit of everything” style, I chose dishes from among my favorites that I thought Henry would probably like.

 Today’s daily lunch menu consisted of diced beef steak, noodles in tomato sauce, warm winter vegetable salad, spiced fried chicken, marinated trout and onions, a little bread and white rice, and green bean potage. Dessert was a small baked cheesecake.

“I think it's all my favorite dishes. I wish it was your favorite dishes, Mai-san.”

“Don’t worry, it’s also my favorite food. In my family's home, it was customary to have a variety of dishes like this at the beginning of the year. I made this a day early, but with a nostalgic feeling. Now, please enjoy. I’ve cooled them down a bit for you, since you have a cat’s tongue.”

“Cat tongue?”

 Mr. Henry is fidgeting. Oh shit. Isn’t there an expression for cat tongue in this world? Or maybe it was a rude word in this country? 

“A cat tongue is someone who doesn’t like hot food or drinks. It’s a saying back home, but I’m sorry if it offends you.”

“Ah, so that’s what you meant.  So you knew about it. That’s right. I’m not good with hot food. Well then, I’ll treat you to a meal. Um, if you like, Mai-san, would you like to join me? Please let me treat you. Is there any left over.”

“Yes, there is. Then I will eat with you.”

 I plated mine too and the two of us ate leisurely.

“I was surprised to hear, does your family welcome the new year with such a luxurious meal?  They must be a wealthy family.”

“No, It's just an ordinary family.”

“I was adopted by the Howler family right after I was born, and my adoptive parents took great care of me. When I was a child,  the three of us would enjoy spending the last day of the year together as a family. My parents in the Howler family were very close, and I’m sure they’re spending time together today as well.’’

 I don’t know the Howler family, so I can’t respond properly. I don’t want to make a mistake today.

“My own mother lives here in the Royal Capital, but she probably spends her time alone, so I’m thinking of showing up tonight. I know it sounds unfortunate to say that I was adopted as a baby, but I… I’m very blessed.”

“Oh really”

 Mr. Henry talked a great deal. And he talked in-depth. He usually speaks only the bare minimum. And he looked a little sad while saying that he is blessed.

 Working in the customer service business, I am reminded that there are as many sorrows and hardships as there are people. I am sure Mr. Henry has some pain and sorrow too. And I have many things too. But right now, I feel like just being alive is a huge success.

 I don’t want to say that now because it would sound like I’m preaching.

 In the end, even after a leisurely lunch and a cup of tea, no customers came.

“If I hadn’t said those unnecessary things, you would have been able to relax. I apologize for that.”

"No. I'm glad I was able to have lunch and chat with you rather than spending the end of the year alone. The fact that the restaurant is not busy is a sign that everyone is happily spending time with their spouses and lovers, which is a good and peaceful thing.”

“Yes, it is. It’s a sign of peace.”

 He smiled again. It was a beautiful smile. I worshiped his priceless smile by hitting the kashiwade in my heart.

“Henry-san, you usually leave around three o’clock, but it’s already three-thirty. Will you be all right?”

“It’s okay. I’m just happy and excited because for the first time since I started living in the dormitory, I could spend the end of the year with someone. Besides, there is no one at work. I don’t have to worry about time. As long as I get my work done, I’m fine.”

 I was sorry that I was the one he spent the end of the year with, but I was glad that Mr. Henry seemed to be enjoying himself. Mr. Henry forcibly paid the bill, which was more than for the two of us, and left. I tried to refuse, but it was no use.

 I think Mr. Henry was in a good mood until he left the store.

TL Note :

*Kashiwade. One of the formal manners of performing worship in Shinto. One raises the hands to chest level and claps. The way of clapping and the number of times vary.

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