Chapter 23 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 23

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 23: In the Couloue District

 On the way to the restaurant recommended by Henry, a certain stall caught my eye.

“Mr. Henry, that one! I want to try that one, I’ll go get some!”

 While Mr. Henry was paying the change to keep the horse, I rushed to the shop right in front of me, where flour crusts were being grilled on a thick, round hot plate. They used cooking chopsticks to carefully peel off the edges of the skin, then inserted it under the baked skin and skillfully flipped it over.

 He placed a generous amount of chopped meat on top of the skin, then sprinkled green onions and poured bright red liquid over the top. He folded the top and bottom with a slap and then rolled it up. The whole sequence of movements was like an acrobatic trick.

 The product, which looked like a thick roll, was wrapped in a large bamboo leaf and handed to me. I couldn't wait for Henry's portion to be ready, so I bit into the hot dish. The aroma of star anise, garlic, and ginger filled my mouth. The red liquid that was being poured over was a delicious and spicy chili sauce that did not disappoint.

“It’s spicy, but delicious. What is this? The seasoning is nostalgic.”

“Enough to make your eyes water?”

"Eh. It tasted so much like something from that world that it brought back memories."

"Yes. Tears of joy are fine. Ugh, it's hot. How can you be fine when it’s so hot?”

“I’m not fine. I burned the inside of my mouth. phew…” 

 It was hot enough to burn, but that was what made it so good. I finished the deliciously spicy snack, and within five meters of walking, I found the next delicacy. A round white rice cake about eight centimeters in diameter. There was a sample cut in half placed on the table. It was a black sesame/ bean paste filling. They sell rice cakes filled with sesame paste, which are baked over charcoal and browned and puffed up. Fluffy rice cakes with black sesame paste. Isn’t that the best? I can probably get the ingredients here too.

“Excuse me, two of those.”

“Here you go.”

 I received a freshly baked hot one and immediately dug into it. As I was eating, I offered the other half to Henry.

“Mai-san, I’m afraid you will be full by lunch.”

“It’s okay. I could eat this forever.”

“Infinitely? I’m glad I came because you seems really happy, Mai-san.”

“I’m glad you brought me here. Thank you so much, Henry-san. Now, let’s go to the restaurant you recommend. I can still eat. If I can’t eat any more, I will take it home and eat it tomorrow.”

 Mr. Henry took my hand.

“There’s a rumor that if a beautiful woman gets lost in the Couloue district, she’ll never to be found again.”

 I was surprised because I thought Mr. Henry would never say something like that and I didn't think he would.

The streets at lunchtime were indeed crowded with ordinary people. I remember the customer telling me that the coulou district is a town that never sleeps.


 Eventually, we arrived at a place where tall buildings were lined up across the street. From building to building, countless ropes were strung overhead. Many lanterns were hanging from them. It must be beautiful at night.


“It’s in the heart of the Couloue district. There’s a place here that serves the best fish dishes.”

“Delicious fish dishes, sounds great! I’m looking forward to it!”

“I didn’t know you liked fish that much, Mai-san.”

 If it’s a fish dish that Henry, who is a connoisseur of good food, approves of, I can expect it to be good. I stepped into a restaurant with a sign that read “Doolin Fish Restaurant.”

“Come on in! Take any available seat.”

 As soon as we were seated by the window, Henry handed me a menu list.

“Do you think you can find a dish you like?”

"I'd like some deep-fried white fish with vegetable sauce, grilled salted shrimp, and rice noodles with bivalve shellfish, please."

“You’re so quick to decide.”

“I’ve been dying to try them all.”

 This may be the first time I've ever been so excited about this world. I've always wanted to eat ethnic food. And I wanted to eat something professionally made. I wanted to eat it so much that I dreamed about it. The smell here is definitely that of authentic ethnic food.


 Eventually, the food arrived and I confirmed that the flavors were authentic as well. All of the flavors were close to the ones I remembered. What humans consider delicious, even in different worlds, always hits the same spot. I grinned to myself at this discovery. Henry’s eyes kept smiling as he looked at me. I was glad I had invited him after all.

 The fried fish had crispy skin and fluffy white meat. The sweet-and-sour sauce on the fish was a punch. The shrimps are plump and sweet. The rock salt sprinkled on top of them and the aroma of chopped herbs enhanced the sweetness of the shrimp. Excellent.

 The pho, topped with plenty of clam-like shellfish, the noodles and soup are gentle and refreshing, and you can eat as much as you want. I poured some of the liquid from the bottle on top of the pho. It tasted like lime. It changed the taste and made me want to eat more. Sinful.

 Henry and I kept exchanging comments like, “It’s delicious,” and “Isn’t it delicious?” when a kid came running out from a shop on the other side of the street.

 He's holding a skewer that looks like a grilled shellfish in sauce. That looks dangerous. What if he falls?

 Henry-san was telling me the story of when he first came here, but I couldn't take my eyes off the child. I stood up and tried to face him.


 The child fell down. I instinctively created a barrier around the child's wrist. The child’s face hit the warding ball, but the skewer didn’t penetrate it. The child’s eyes and mouth were safe. Thank goodness.

 After making sure that he was safe, I said to him, “Go on.”

A young mother ran up behind the child, her face pale, and peers into his face.


(It’s okay, but make sure you keep an eye on them when you give them a skewer.)

 Relieved, I sat down and turned my gaze to Mr. Henry, who had a slightly frightened look on his face.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you. I missed it. What happened when you first came here?”

 Then Mr. Henry spoke quietly enough for me to hear.

“You can put up wards?”

“…… hmm?”

“Mai-san, you can create a barrier without chanting.”

 I didn’t mind if Henry knew, but his face was scary so I wasn’t sure how to respond. And in the first place, that barrier should only be visible to me, right?

“I know that normal people can’t see the wards, but I can. When the girl was about to fall down, you put a spherical ward from her wrist to the tip of her hand. Then, once you were sure she was safe, you removed it.”

 Can you see it? Why? Ah. Cats could see the warding. When I put on my stealth security gear, all the cats got scared and ran away. Even you, Henry?

“I could see it clearly.”

“Is that so? Yes, I can create a barrier.  Thanks to my grandmother.”

 I thought it was going to end with a quick confession, but then Henry’s mood started to get a little weird. We ate the rest of the delicious food in silence.

 I ate it all because I have a steel heart and stomach that can eat delicious food no matter what the atmosphere is like.

 After finishing all the food, we drank a cup of fragrant light-colored tea.

“I didn’t know you could use such magic, Mai.”

“You never asked me. I didn’t have a chance to talk to you.”

“So you can create a barrier without chanting?”


 Why is Mr. Henry’s face so tense? I don’t know, I am not familiar with the common sense of this world.

“Are you mad at me because I didn’t tell you I could do magic?”

"I'm not angry. There's no obligation for you to tell me. I'm just surprised and worried. It is rare for a wizard to be able to set up wards at such a moment’s notice. There are only two that I know of.”

 So there are two of them. Good.

“Normally, you need to chant a spell, so there’s a time lag between when you decide to put up and when you’re done putting up. I figured if people knew that you could do that, there would be people who would try to take you in.”

“I might not say it out loud, but I can picture the spell in my head for a second, so isn’t it the same?”

“It’s not the same.”

 Is the speed of the spell the problem? Is it the lack of chanting the problem? I don't know. And I don't want to ask that question. I can somehow predict Henry's answer. I didn't want to hear it.

 It was like a knee-jerk reaction when I put up the barrier earlier. I didn’t have time to think about it. I would rather the magic be known than for the child to go blind. I don’t regret protecting that child’s eyes.

 So I decided to drop the subject for now. I had come all the way to the Couloue area.

“This restaurant is a real jackpot!”

“If you don’t want to talk about magic, then, I’ll try not to bring it up in the future.”

Henry, the expressionless man he was when he first started coming to "The Hideaway," looked straight into my eyes. He spoke quietly and calmly, but there was a force to his voice that could not be fooled by laughing.

"Are you just worried about me because I'm so ignorant of this world?"


“I’ll be careful from now on and not let other people know about my magic. But it’s also a waste to just live on without using the power that was given to me, to just hold my breath and survive. Ever since I came here, I’ve been trying to be useful to others.”

 Mr. Henry is deep in thought. He traces the rim of the cup he has just finished drinking from with his fingertips. When his index finger had made five laps over the cup, Mr. Henry lifted the ends of his lips slightly.

"I understand. Then, may I help you use your magical powers to help someone? I will use my experience and knowledge as a head Civil Officer to help you without letting anyone know that you are a sorcerer."

“Isn’t that going to be a hassle for you?”

"No. Up until now, all I wanted to do was my job. But if I could be your assistant, I'd be able to live happily every day."

 I never thought I would be told something like that.

 I expected that he would think I was an unlovable woman, to worry for me but not spoil me.*

“It would be reassuring to have your help, Mr. Henry.”

“You’ll make me your assistant? It’s a deal, right? There’s no taking it back.”

“I understand.  Thank you very much.”

“Now, as your faithful assistant, may I ask you one question?”

“Yes, please.”

 Huh? Something about Mr. Henry’s eyes suddenly sparkled.

“There’s something that’s been bothering me ever since I first visited your ‘Hideaway’ and I’ve been even more curious since I found out that you came here alone. I won’t tell anyone, so please tell me.”

“This is so sudden.”

 Mr. Henry is curious like a child. He is probably too excited. His  pupils are starting to turn vertical. I have to answer before his ears come out. Henry-san is so cute that I smile and encourage him to ask me a question.

“I’ll answer your question, just get on with it.”

“I understand. Then. Mai-san, you somehow manage to get money through magic, don’t you? I’d like to see how you do it.”

 I was afraid of smart and intuitive people.

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