Chapter 19 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 19

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 19: Potion

 Mr. Henry checked my temperature several times then reassured me, “Please get some sleep,” before leaving.

 I spent my time in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a warm blanket and sleeping, drinking water or fruit juice when I was thirsty.

 By the time I heard the ninth bell of the night, I was feeling much better. I was drinking some hot water when there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and found Mr. Kyrias standing there.

“I’m sorry it’s so late.”

“Come on in. Can I help you?”

“I brought you this.”

 Kyrias-kun pulled out a cylindrical glass container from his pocket, containing a clear, beautiful green liquid.

“Is this the thing that you are strictly managing? If so, I'm only asking for your best wishes."

“I knew you would say that, so I bought it through the proper channels. I’m not lying. We in the magic department have a little bit of priority slots.”

“If you had said that during that day, Mr. Henry wouldn’t have been so angry.”

“The process just takes so long. I applied for it right after that, and I had to rush it several times before it finally happened. The sooner you drink the potion, the more effective it will be!”

 He seems dissatisfied with the potion management system.

 “Well, I’m going to pay for it. I can’t just take it.”

“Question. Why is it OK for Mr. Henry to take time off work to take care of you, but not for me to give you a sympathy potion? Is it because you and Mr. Henry have a special relationship?”


“Well, then, this is a token of my sympathy. And also as a token of my appreciation for always cooking such delicious meals for me.”

 We looked into each other’s eyes for a while, and then I finally gave in. Kyrias handed me the potion and I took it.

“Thank you very much.”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Are the ingredients a secret?”

“Not at all. The important thing is the magic power. The ingredients are medicinal herbs that are available in the market and water produced with water magic.”

“May I ask you the names of the medicinal herbs?”

“Sure. Hoshinagusa (Star Grass), Poison-antiseptic grass, longan grass (dragon’s eye herb), Indian mugwort, Hepatica (black leaf herb), and sankaku sousou (triangle grass). These are the six. The ratio of the six kinds of herbs depends on the condition of the herbs. That’s where experience comes in.”

 Kyrias effortlessly named the six medicinal herbs. It was the same as her grandmother’s knowledge, but she had never seen them in the market.

“That way, it won’t relapse and you’ll be cured completely. Are you open for business tomorrow?”

“No, I’ll start the day after tomorrow.”

“Have you decided what the daily specials will be for the day after tomorrow?”

“Shall I accept your request as a thank you for visiting me?”

“Is that alright? Then I’d like to try some noodles that aren’t tomato flavored. You said before that there are many kinds, right? I want seafood noodles. Can you make it?”

 I gave my chest a pat.

“Leave it to me. I’ll make something delicious.”


“I’d like to know a little more about portions. I grew up in the countryside and there’s so much I don’t know.”

“Okay. Like what?”

 I offered a chair to Kyrias-kun and I sat down as well and we began to talk. I searched my memory when I heard that the potions were strictly controlled, but there was no mention of that in my grandmother’s knowledge.

“Why are potions so tightly controlled?”

“The potions made by the castle’s Department of Magic are supplied to the military and medical departments, so they need to be effective.”

“Aren’t they sold commercially?”

“There are commercial products, but they are only effective as a temporary relief. You have to put a lot of magic power into them to get a reliable effect. Making potions requires a lot of magical power. Even I will collapse if I make too many, and if I'm not careful, I will become useless for a while."

“That much …….”

 So only a limited number of people can drink potions that have proven effective.

“You see, when the current Emperor was the third prince, the two eldest Princes died one after the other from an epidemic, right? At that time, it seems that the quality of the potions was not very good due to various reasons. Since then, the quality and quantity of potions made in the castle have been strictly controlled.”

 I see, so that’s the background to it. There’s no way my grandma would’ve known about it.

“Well, drink it now. I’ll look forward to seeing you at noon the day after tomorrow. Good night!”

 After Kyrias left, I looked at the potions. I wonder if it would be against the rules if I were to make a potion using transformation magic. But if I give it to someone who doesn’t have money but can cure it with a potion, it won’t cause any loss to the country… I think.

 But I don’t know how good the quality of the potion I make is, or how much magic power I have.

 I don’t think I can make the medicine that were in circulation in Japan, so I want to make a potion. I want to help someone in this world with my potion, even if it is just a little.

 I drank the potion that was given to me. I need to learn the taste. I drank a little left over to check the color.

 What’s that? This tastes like green juice. It’s the same old tasteless green juice. Okay, I’ve memorized the taste. Let’s go to sleep early to get in shape.

 The next morning, I feel completely better. I can make potions without any problems. I guess it’s thanks to the potion and my immune system that I've recovered so well. I don’t want to give my customers a cold, so I’m taking the day off. That’s what a restaurant owner should know.

 I’ll also buy some herbs for potions while it’s still warm during the day.

 I put on my coat, created a barrier around my body, and headed for the market. Walking with the chimney-shaped barrier in place, I don’t feel cold at all. Stealth security wear was gentle on my body, which had just recovered from an illness.

 I’ve never seen any herbs for potions at the vegetable store, so I asked around while I was out shopping.

“Where can I go to buy starling grass and poison midge, please?”

“If you’re looking for medicinal herbs, there’s the Alter Herbal Shop at the northern end of the market.”

“Thank you very much. Oh, I’d like a cup of dried chili peppers, please.”

 My homemade wooden carrying case has large iron wheels so that it won't get buried in the dirt on unpaved roads. As I walk along pulling it, some people look at me with puzzled expressions. I hope they'll get used to it soon. I'd be happy if they could try it.

 It’s normal for people in the royal capital to carry large luggage on their backs or pull it in a cart, but a carry case is more maneuverable and easier on the body even when carrying heavy items.

 The Orta herb store had a small sign and the windows were blocked with white cloth. I could not see inside at all. The white cloth might be a sunshade.

 There were two men behind the counter, one in his fifties and the other in his thirties. They were both wearing pure white aprons. They looked alike, so I guess they were father and son.

“Hello. I’d like some starling weed, Antidote Grass, dragon’s-eye weed, blue water surface Grass, black leaf Grass, and triangular Grass, please.”

“Oh, it’s for a potion. How much would you like?”

“It depends on the price, how much is each?”

 The older man held out a price list. Not so expensive.

 There are fresh and dried ones, and the fresh ones are priced according to the market price. “Fresh ones are available except in winter.” Besides potions, they are also used as household remedies. Next to each herb’s name, there is a description of its effects, such as cough suppressants, blood suppressants, pain relievers, and preventing wounds from decomposing.

 Kyrias-kun said it was just for comfort, but even if the effect is weak, it is better than nothing.

 Making potions will require practice, so I’ll buy plenty.

“Then I’ll have ten batches of each of the six kinds, please.”

 I paid the bill and left with a large package of medicinal herbs in my carry case.

 It was exciting to make potions, like a real wizard.

“First, disinfect it with boiling water.”

 I put the empty wine bottle in a small saucepan and boiled it.

 I used water magic to fill the bottle that I took out with tongs, and then I put the bottle with water and the medicinal herbs on the table and cast transformation magic. When I made it according to my grandmother’s knowledge, the water in the bottle gradually turned green. The dried medicinal herbs all pulverized, and finally turned into fine particles.

“Let’s have a taste.”

 It tastes just like Kyrias-kun's. It tastes like bad green juice.

 The problem is I’m not sure how effective this is, because I’m feeling fine right now.

“Come to think of it……”

 After my illness was discovered, my grandmother made homemade green juice for me to drink twice daily. It’s possible, possible, that she was using transformation magic to turn Japanese wild herbs into medicinal herbs to make a potion. If it was a potion, it would have been ineffective against my terminal illness.

 If it were effective enough to wipe out all diseases in the first place, the high-ranking nobles of this world would live to be over a hundred years old. I’ll ask Mr. Henry next time how old the royal family is.

“No, wait."

 If it were a potion that could cure all illnesses, even the price would be tremendous. There is no way it would be brought as a gift to a restaurant owner. After all, the price is not that great and the effect is not that great either.

 I lightly inserted the corkscrew into the bottle containing the potion, and then used wind magic to remove some of the air. Then, the cork stopper was tightly packed in the bottle by itself. It felt good. I have seen a TV commercial for Tupperware that says that keeping bottles under negative pressure prevents them from spoiling.

 I made five wine bottles’ worth of potions. Each bottle should be enough for about seven or eight uses. That’s enough for about forty people in total. If anyone is feeling unwell, I’d like to give them the potion secretly, but I don’t know what to say.

 Illustration (By Mitemin)

  I served seafood oil pasta for the next day’s daily special, Kyrias-kun was very pleased.

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