Chapter 10 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 10

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 10: The Abandoned Prince Lets His Guard Down

"-And that's what happened. We'll be having a wedding soon, so make sure you guys come!!"

“““... ... …”””

My subordinates, whom I hadn't seen in weeks, exchanged glances as they listened to my story.

Currently, they were in the position of prisoners of war.

However, they hadn't faced any particularly harsh treatment.

Utilizing their healing magic skills honed on the battlefield, they were earning wages by working at a clinic in the imperial capital.

Today, I had invited them to my room to exchange updates on our situations.

While I couldn't leave the imperial castle, listening to their stories made me realize how many interesting things there were in the capital, and I cherished this time.

After hearing my story, my subordinates had one thing to say.

““““How did that happen!?””””

"Whoa, I'm surprised."

They all exclaimed in unison.

"What kind of guy is our captain?"

"Why is he getting married to the Empress of a major power and the Seventh Imperial Princess...?"

"A family affair, huh. Should just chop it off."

"Just chopping won't do. He regenerates from any injury. If you cut off his private parts, you'll need to seal them away."

"Vice-captain Dangan, what do you think?"

One of the subordinates asked for the opinion of the vice-captain.

He's the one who frequently wakes me up by poking my belly when I'm asleep on the battlefield.

"Well, it may sound a bit calculating, but isn't it a good thing? Honestly, the kingdom has been weakening year by year. Even though we're receiving support from various countries to stop the empire's invasion, there are limits."

“““... ... …”””

"W-What's with you guys? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Dangan is a serious man, for better or worse.

He has an extremely strong sense of loyalty to the country, or rather, a spirit of defending the nation, and he has a fierce personality towards invaders.

However, it seems Dangan has softened quite a bit in my absence.

He said it would be a good thing to reconcile with the Empire.

Upon hearing this, the other subordinates seemed to sense something and started smiling gleefully.

"What's up? Do you guys know something?"

"Oh, right. Your Highness didn't know, did you? Vice-captain Dangan seems to be hitting it off with a girl he met at a tavern in the capital."


"Tell me more."

"She seems to work as a server at the tavern. Apparently, she was brought to the clinic after a carriage accident before they met at the tavern. He healed her completely, without leaving a scratch, and it seems she's been making aggressive advances towards him. I caught a glimpse of her, she seemed simple but bright."

"Well, in other words, the esteemed vice-captain is heading towards the same situation as Your Highness."

The other subordinates chatted gleefully, while Dangan blushed crimson and listened silently.

That serious Dangan, and romance of all things.

"I feel both happy and lonely, you know?"

"What standpoint are you speaking from... ahem. Enough chitchat, there's some information I want to convey to Your Highness."

"Huh? What is it? Dangan, are you getting married too?"

"...We've only just started dating, and I'm not as decisive as Your Highness, so it's still undecided. No, that's not it!!"

Dangan said with a serious expression.

"It seems there are many within the Empire's core who view Your Highness as an obstruction. Please be careful."


I was genuinely surprised by this serious discussion.

The other subordinates, who had come to visit for casual conversation as usual, changed their expressions abruptly at the sudden serious talk.

I listened intently to Dangan's words.

"What do you mean?"

"The core of the Empire, meaning the ministers who support Empress Alcarion's rule. They seem to dislike the idea of Your Highness, who gets along well with the Empress and the Seventh Imperial Princess, even though you’re just lounging around."

"Well, I haven't really done anything productive, so I guess I'd be seen as a nuisance by those who work diligently."

"Huh? I don't really get it, but anyway, it seems the core of the Empire is full of dissatisfaction towards Your Highness."

It seems Dangan had gathered information from soldiers working in the imperial castle whom he had met at the tavern.

There were complaints swirling among the Empire's ministers.

"Well, most of it is just gossip, so to speak..."

"The way you put it, it sounds like some of them are seriously considering excluding me."

"Yes. It's unlikely they'll resort to force, but there seem to be factions with such intentions. Just be cautious as a precaution."

I couldn't imagine anyone trying to do anything drastic to provoke the displeasure of Alcarion and Rosemary...

But it was a warning from trusted subordinates. It would be wise to keep it in mind.

And so, the day came to an end.

After my subordinates left the room, I rested alone until Rosemary and Alcarion arrived.

Lately, I've been spending every night in the same bed with the two of them.

Alcarion shows the ropes, while Rosemary hones her techniques.

Perhaps fueled by a sense of competition, the intimacy between us three is intense, and the pleasure seems never-ending.

It truly is a blissful time.

And it was at that moment when someone knocked on the door of my room.

"Oh? Who could it be?"

Thinking it was Alcarion and Rosemary, I went to greet them, opening the door.

But there was no one on the other side.

"Huh? I could have sworn someone knocked... Was it just my imagination?"

As I turned to go back into the room, it happened.

I was struck with a strong impact to the back of my head, as if hit with a blunt object, and I lost consciousness.

Although I healed the injury instantly with "Complete Regeneration," being unconscious posed a problem.

Well, with "Complete Regeneration," there's a good chance I could heal even unconsciousness...

But I've never experienced unconsciousness frequently enough, like poison or curses, for it to be healed subconsciously.

I let my guard down.

Right after hearing the warning from Dangan, this mess happened.

I'm such an incompetent person that it's no surprise that my younger brother has stolen my throne and my fiancee from me.

Agarram’s perspective

"Miss, do you seriously intend to escape?"

"Of course."

The prestigious Agarram royal castle.

In a corner of that castle, which evoked history, there was a room designated for imprisoning me.

I spent five years in that room, except for the one trusted maid, avoiding contact with anyone else.

Even the newly engaged and married king, how many years has it been since I last saw him?

Originally, the new king only engaged me to revel in the sense of superiority of taking me away from him.

The fact that he didn't come on our wedding night is proof of that. There was never any love for me from the beginning.

"Then it's fine for me to prioritize my love."

"...That's what you say, but..."

The maid who presents criticisms, knowing my will is harder than steel.

She is a rare beauty with black hair tied in a ponytail around here.

It's frustrating, her style is outstanding even to someone of the same sex.

Well, I'm not losing either!!

She might be smaller in size, but in terms of form, I am more balanced than her.

I insisted to her.

"If you're going to do it, do it now. There's no other time."

"Why go to such lengths?"

"I heard he became a prisoner of the Dragoon Empire."

"...I see."

The one I call "him" is only one person.

He is my former fiancé, my beloved, and someone I can say is my everything.

"What if, hypothetically, he's suffering in the empire?"


"I think..."

If you're going to do it, it's now or never. Because—

"Seeing me gallantly rescue him, he'd surely think this: 'Wow, amazing!! Elsa, be my wife!!'"

"You're truly soaked in selfishness, aren't you, my lady? Isn't the king good enough for you?"

"That's impossible. That brat is not suitable for me."

In these past few years, Agarram has fallen into disarray.

Taking advantage of the substantial aid from various countries, there are quite a few who pocket a portion instead of using it for the country.

Diligent bureaucrats either quit early or, influenced by corrupt ones, became corrupt themselves.

This country is beyond saving now."

"He wouldn't have let this happen."

He was isolated from the noble society.

Naturally, there are reasons for everything.

For better or worse, he was incompetent.

"You're aware of it too, aren't you?"

"Well, yes. It's a famous story."

Once, he petitioned the late king to dismiss a minister who had long supported the kingdom.

That minister had brought a town girl with an engagement into his mansion and did terrible things.

The young man, the town girl's lover, was a soldier working at the royal castle, and he happened to overhear the soldier lamenting.

What surprised me was his subsequent decisiveness."

He petitioned the late king, his father, to investigate, and after confirming the truth of the matter, he dismissed the minister.

The minister and the nobles belonging to his faction vehemently protested, but the words he uttered at that time are still unforgettable.

"No, things like rapists being important figures in the country will all come to an end."

The dismissal of the minister had significant effects on the country.

Not understanding this, he was branded a fool by many nobles.

But that's exactly why I fell for him.

How many rulers are there who can judge wrongdoing as wrongdoing?

Perhaps because of this, he was highly regarded by the people.

What he lacked was the power to minimize the subsequent impact and the communication skills to not be shunned by the nobles.

However, if someone else could compensate for those, it would be resolved.

For example, me, me, and me.

"In other words!! He needs me!!"


"Hey. Are you sighing right now?"

"It's your imagination."

Well, it's fine.

"Now, let's go!! Thanks to being quiet for these five years, even the guards are off guard. If we're going to escape, it's now!!"

"I understand. Though I'm still inexperienced, I'll pave the way for you, my lady."

"Oh, you're dependable!! But if you call me 'my lady' again, I'll punch you!!"

And so, I escaped from Agarrum’s castle and headed towards the empire.

There, I learned that he had become engaged to the empress of the empire and the seventh imperial princess, and a few days later, he went missing.

"What in the world!?"

I couldn't help but shout.

He had always been one to do outrageous things, but I never imagined it would come to this.

How did he end up marrying the empress of an enemy nation and her daughter, the seventh imperial princess?

I'm in a panic.

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