Chapter 14 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 14

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 14: A Small Favor Returned

“This potion is amazing! The pain in my body is completely gone, like it was never there.”

Lilina, having gulped down the potion from the box, widened her eyes in astonishment at its effects. She flexed her hands and lightly rotated her shoulders, showing no signs of discomfort. It seemed that the potion was indeed worth its price.

“That’s great to hear.”

I laughed a little as I watched Lilina, who seemed ready to do a little dance out of sheer delight.

“But take it easy for a few days, okay? Let's wait until you’ve had some rest before heading into the forest to get the elixir.”

“Huh? Did I mention that I was going to get an elixir?”

Lilina looked at me with a puzzled expression.

...Come to think of it, she hadn't actually told me herself yet, had she?

“Oh, I heard you talking in your sleep. You mentioned getting an elixir for your mother.”

“Oh, I see.”

When I made up this excuse, Lilina nodded in understanding. It seemed I had successfully covered my tracks.

“I’ll go with you next time, so don’t try to go by yourself.”

“What?! You’ll help me?!”

“Of course. You’ve already learned the hard way that going alone to get the elixir is impossible, right?”

“Well, yes, but...”

Lilina hesitated, glancing at me, but she didn’t nod in agreement with my suggestion. She was probably feeling reluctant, just like with the potion earlier.

Hmm, what to do...

After thinking for a moment, I gave Lilina a playful smile.

“Didn’t you just say you’d repay me with your life? If you die trying to get the elixir, that would be a waste. I need you to stay alive.”

Speaking like Lloyd again, I hoped she would accept my proposal.

Just as I expected, Lilina let out a small laugh.

“Heh, alright then. If that’s the case, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

“Good. Please take it easy for a couple of days. I don’t know how much I can fight, so I need you to be in perfect condition too.”

In the anime, Kane would use support magic to strengthen Lilina and defeat the monsters on the way to the elixir.

Without that cheat-level support magic and protagonist perks, I wasn’t sure how much I could manage.

Honestly, I had no idea what to expect.

“Got it. I understand.”

Lilina nodded and smiled naturally.

For now, it seemed like I had avoided the worst-case scenario of Lilina dying.

“I’ll come back to this house in a few days.”

“Huh? Are you going somewhere? Do you have plans?”

As I stood up to leave Lilina’s house, she looked at me curiously.

“I don’t have any plans, but since you’ve been so hospitable, I thought I’d head back to the inn. Plus, I need to find a cheaper place to stay...”

Even though I had some money, it had all gone to buying potions, so I needed to cut back on my living expenses. I might have to find a place even cheaper than where I was staying now... Maybe even a stable with a roof would be better than nothing.

“In that case, please stay here with me! It’s small, but I can offer you meals!”

While I was considering my options, Lilina leaned forward and made this earnest offer.

Surprised by her enthusiastic offer, I scratched my cheek.

"Really? Is it okay? I feel kind of bad about it."

"No, it's not bad at all! Please let me repay you even a little!"

When I hesitated to nod in agreement, Lilina grasped my hand and looked up at me. Her slightly upward gaze made it impossible for me to refuse.

"Uh, okay. If that's the case, I'll take you up on your offer."

"Yes, please do!"

Lilina's face lit up with a bright smile, and she held my hand a bit more firmly.

...So this is the power of a heroine.

Feigning ignorance of my rapidly beating heart, I gave a small nod.

And so, I ended up spending the next few days at Lilina's house until she was fully recovered.

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