Chapter 277 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 277

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 277: Magical Tools and Potions

We got into the carriage and headed to our next destination, the magic tool shop. This was my choice. After this, we planned to visit the potion shop as well, so I needed to keep our inspection of magic tools brief.

Lately, I've been so busy that I've neglected checking out new products. It's essential to stay informed about current trends.

We entered the largest magic tool shop in the capital. Of course, I didn't forget to properly escort Miss Fabienne. We circled around once.

"Hmm, didn't see anything particularly new in magic tools."

"I've heard that it takes quite a bit of time to develop new magic tools. At least a year for one, and up to nearly a decade."

"Oh, really?"

Well, that's just "oh, really?" for me. I can make magic tools in a month, or sometimes even within the day. It's totally out of the ordinary. Comparing myself to other magic tool craftsmen, including Rosalia, is a no-go.

Of course, it's all thanks to the financial power of the Heine Marquis House. It'd be tough for private citizens to keep investing in magic tool development without seeing the future. But since I can see it, I plunge ahead without holding back.

Nero was looking at me with astonished eyes. Apparently, he didn't know about "normal" magic tool craftsmen. It's a coincidence; neither did I.

"How long does it take for you to make magic tools, Julius-sama?"


I sensed some unease in our attitudes. Miss Fabienne tilted her head and asked. Her eyes were gently curved, but her smile didn't seem entirely genuine.

"Well, um, about six months?"

"Julius-sama, forgive me if this is presumptuous, but perhaps it's best to provide accurate information to Fabienne-sama."

You think so? If we get married and she says, "This isn't what I expected. I want a divorce," I'd be in big trouble. I have to muster my courage and tell her the truth.

"Strictly between us..."

"Of course, I'll keep it strictly between us."

I whispered quietly into Fabienne's ear. Her earlobes turned slightly red. If I chuckle here, will she punch me? With a fist.

"As soon as the same day."

"The same day!?"

Fabienne hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand, eyes widening. It seemed she was extremely surprised. Is this a normal reaction for people? I'll remember it well. I saved Fabienne's cute gesture in my mental file.

We returned to the carriage and headed to our next destination. Our target was the largest potion shop in the capital. This was one of the places both of us really wanted to visit. By the way, right next to it is the potion guild of the capital.

"I thought I knew that Julius-sama was an amazing magician, but there's still so much I don't know."

"Oh no, I'm really nothing special."

Miss Fabienne looked at my modesty with a half-gaze. It seemed like she wanted to say that it was impossible. Incidentally, everyone else was looking at me the same way. Damn, do I have no allies here?

"Have you created any new magical items while in the capital?"

"I've created an ice chamber."

"Ice chamber?"

"Yes. It was necessary to preserve the ingredients for magical potions over long periods. By cooling the room enough to form ice, we can prevent the materials from deteriorating."

I nodded in understanding. Miss Fabienne did too, but she placed her hand on her chin, lost in thought. Maybe she's thinking it would be nice to have one at her own house? It's crucial for potion makers to maintain the freshness of their ingredients.

"If you'd like, shall I give one to Miss Fabienne as well? I think it'll be small enough to fit in a room, as a warehouse size would be too large."

"Are you serious!?"

She lifted her face with a bright smile. Whoa, dazzling. So this is what they mean by a dazzling smile. It feels like I might turn to ash like a vampire bathed in sunlight. Is this the light of purification?

"Of course. I was just thinking of making one for my own home as well."

I returned her smile with a relaxed grin, but my heart was pounding so hard it felt like it might burst. Maybe it'll explode and I'll die right here. Nero, I leave the rest to you.

In the carriage heading to our next destination, I took out some dried fruits that I had planned to introduce in the capital.

"Miss Fabienne, please have some."

"Is this... dried fruits, perhaps? There are so many types. I didn't know."

"It seems only a few varieties are available so far. Eventually, we'll establish a production system so they can be enjoyed casually."

Miss Fabienne seemed to notice the significance behind my words and smile. For a moment, her eyes widened, but soon she drew a gentle curve.

Yes, the Heine Margraviate plans to establish a trading company and sell dried fruits as a specialty product of our territory!

"Did Julius-sama develop the dried fruits?"

"How did you figure that out!?"

I never expected her to realize I was the developer. I thought she might notice that the Heine Margraviate was the seller, though. Sharp.

"I had a feeling. It's not really surprising... After all, wouldn't everything famous within the territory be developed by Julius-sama?"

Uh, that might actually be true. Gile and Christopher are looking at me with vacant expressions like, "What are you even saying now?" Nero's eyes are sparkling brightly, looking like he's saying, "That's right, it's Julius-sama."

If the secret's out this far, there's no point in hiding it. I explained the process of how the dried fruits came to be. Nero, all excited, mentioned how I made the magical item in just a few minutes, leaving Miss Fabienne unsure how to react. It would be nice if she could just laugh it off, you know?

The carriage stops, and a knight comes to report.

"Julius-sama, we have arrived."

"Thank you. Shall we go, Miss Fabienne?"


I escort Miss Fabienne with practiced ease. She seems less tense now. It's a bit sad to see her lose that innocence. Well, maybe I'm the same.

As we get off the carriage, there's a line forming in front of the shop. It's not exactly a serpent, but it looks like a crowd of mothers flocking to the bargain goods.

"What's going on?"

"It seems they're waiting for a shipment of magical potions."

"At this hour?"

It's already past 3 PM, nearing 4. What kind of magical potion arrives at this time? I'm curious, so I take a peek. A big sign reads, "Sweet Cold Remedy in Stock!"

Ah, I see. These people are waiting for the cold remedy that Miss Fabienne made. I smirk as I glance at her, and she notices, blushing deeply as she looks down. Then she tightly grips my hand.

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