Chapter 273 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 273

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 273: Town Date

Today is finally the day of my date with Miss Fabienne. I'm supposed to pick her up at the Baron d'Amberlair's estate.

I'm wearing comfortable slacks that allow easy movement for walking around the city. Fancy formal wear for social events tends to restrict movement and make me worry about keeping it clean.

"I'm counting on you today too, Nero. And Giles and Christopher, too."

"Leave it to me."

Although there are separate guards, I decided to bring the four of us together to strengthen our bond. Lately, we've been doing a lot together, so any lingering tension toward Nero seems to have dissipated.

We departed from the Heine Marquis' estate in a six-person carriage. Before we left, Alex had warned Nero and the others, "Make sure to keep an eye on Julius." He could have just told me directly... Maybe he thought it would be pointless? That's kind of sad, too.

"Julius, is the shrine finished?"

"It's almost done. I just need to make the sacred object to put inside. I'm waiting on a larger crystal for that."

Afterward, the first shrine I made was installed in a corner of the Heine Marquis' courtyard. It seems someone offers something there every day. Spirits collect them promptly, so I don't know how much is offered.

It seems Giles also comes occasionally to make offerings.

"That shrine is wonderful. I'd love to see it when it's finished."

"Do you think so?"

Christopher also seems to like the royal family's shrine. Admittedly, I might have put too much effort into it. But since I've already made it, there's no going back.

I don't intend to popularize shrines in ordinary households, so I think it'll be fine. No problem.

"Julius, we're going to the jewelers when we're out today. How about looking around there?"

"Good idea. If we have time, let's give it a try."

Today's goal is to have lunch with Miss Fabienne and look for a gift at the jeweler's. I thought about giving her a magical item, but when I think about it, those are things we all use. It wouldn't be a gift for Miss Fabienne.

We arrived at the Amberlair Baron's estate without much trouble. Miss Fabienne and her parents were waiting at the front entrance. Fabienne's dress also seemed easy to move in. It was fluffy and looked warm, like a rabbit.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

"No, you're right on time."

"That outfit suits you well, Miss Fabienne. You look like a cute rabbit."

Fabienne blushed and looked down. "Th-thank you”. After greeting her parents, they promptly set out into town.

"Does Miss Fabienne often go out into town?"

"Yes. I enjoy strolling through the town. I dress like a common town girl."

"I'd like to see that sometime. Maybe I'll try going out in commoner's clothes too."


"J-just kidding, just kidding."

Nero looked at him suspiciously. If he were to do it, it would have to be after moving from the Heine Margraviate to the Amber Barony. Strolling through town with Miss Fabienne. It's a dreamy thought. At that time, even Nero would probably forgive him.

"We have time until lunch, so let's browse through various shops until then."

"I'm looking forward to it."

They would save the main jewelry store for last. Starting with the climax wouldn't leave much afterward. First, they headed to a general store, a luxury shop for nobles. Hmm, it had a different atmosphere.

Julius asked Giles and Christopher to handle security at the entrance before they entered.

"I didn't know there were shops like this even in the capital. Have you been here before, Miss Fabienne?"

"It's my first time. Normally, um, I go to more... commoner-oriented general stores."

Oh no, he might have made Fabienne uncomfortable. He decided to refrain from asking about the shop. They should just enjoy their time there.

"Well then, shall we have them introduce us to the store next? I'm curious about what sells well here."

"Are you trying to be of assistance?"

Fabienne tilted her head in confusion. It seems she hasn't yet taken on the role of creating new things. Well, that makes sense. She probably hasn't even considered creating original potions or magical tools.

"That's right. Everything that commoners desire can serve as a reference for new magical potions and tools. If we gather these ideas and bring them to life, it could enrich our territory further. And then, the entire Spencer Kingdom could prosper."

"So, Julius-sama has been thinking that far."

Fabienne happily clapped her hands. It seemed she understood my thoughts and was supportive of them.

Nobles tend to be more conservative. Therefore, they are sensitive to new movements and sometimes try to suppress them.

As a Margrave, I created a system called "horse racing" and sparked a major movement. The opposition from conservatives is probably why similar efforts haven't been successful in other territories.

My father used to say, "Thanks to the competition, we can still monopolize more, shh shh."

"Oh, this is quite a nice feather pen."

"It seems this feather is from a bird of paradise. Such beautiful colors."

"Feather pens are beautiful, but their usability is a drawback."


"Oh, well, it's just not very practical to use."

Fabienne and Nero looked puzzled upon hearing this. Well, of course they would. In this world, everyone uses feather pens as a norm. That's just how it is. But rather than that, they probably wouldn't think there could be something better.

Of course, there are fountain pens available, but I couldn't say they're of good quality. The ink runs out quickly and often damages the paper when degraded. I think I could make something better myself, but I'm holding back. I mustn't take away the work of craftsmen.

I won't say "ballpoint pen," but at least a fountain pen would be nice. No, wait, there aren't glass pens in this world yet. Should I make those first? If I design the glass color carefully, it could even be a great gift.

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