Chapter 270 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 270

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 270: Shinto Shrine

"I've set up the shrine on top of the chest, so we're all set. Since I've gone this far, I can't skip making an offering. I took out dried fruits from the desk drawer, hidden away."



"I'm not going to eat them right now. These are offerings for the spirits."

As I calmed down the two who were eyeing the fruits covetously, Mother arrived. Rosalia's expression stiffened.

"Rosalia, I told you not to sleep with Julius."

"T-that's not it, Mother! Onii-sama is about to make an offering to the spirits, so I'm just here to see!"

Rosalia seemed desperate. But it sounded like news to me that she’d supposedly forbidden us to sleep together. Was she afraid of being caught in a lie? Rosalia glanced nervously at us, but Mother sighed with an expression that clearly said, "You're not good at lying."

"Julius, may I also observe your offering?"

"Of course. It's really nothing much."

Saying so, I opened the double doors of the shrine. There was an audible gasp. Inside was a miniature altar. In the center, there were further double doors, which I carefully opened.

Beyond them were intricately carved reliefs of various spirits and another door tightly sealed. To anyone who looked, it must have seemed quite divine.

"Julius, what's behind that inner door?"

"It houses crystals modeled after the spirits. Since their forms are not meant to be seen ordinarily, it's securely sealed."

Mother gave a subtle expression. It seemed she wanted to say, "That bipedal turtle thing, right?" Yes, but probably not. It was tailored to suit me. Probably, surely. If that were the true form of the spirits, the children would cry.

Rosalia gazed dreamily at the reliefs. She seemed about to declare her desire for one. Meanwhile, Mira kept headbutting me persistently—a strange display of affection.

Undeterred, I proceeded to offer the dried fruits at the altar.

"Great Spirits, thank you for always watching over us and the world. This is just a token of my gratitude. Please accept it."

I offered the dried fruits, thinking it was a mere formality. I wish I knew the proper ritual chants, but unfortunately, I'm not that well-versed. There weren't even shrine maidens in the game.

As I pondered this, something unexpected happened right before my eyes. The dried fruits I had offered vanished in an instant.


"Kyuu, kyuu!"

Mira vigorously shook her head from side to side. It seemed she wasn't the culprit. If not her, then Rosalia... But no, it seemed different. Mother was looking at the shrine with a face strikingly similar to Rosalia's, her eyes round like full moons.

"Um, it seems the offering has reached the spirits."

I smiled politely, as if nothing had happened. I couldn't afford to panic now. If I did, it would quickly spread around, leading to gossip like, "Julius messed up again."

"Uh, y-yes, it seems so... Did we offer enough?"

"I think it's fine. Probably."

It should be fine, right? I believed so? After that, Mother, looking somewhat drained, took Rosalia and left the room. Well done, Mother. Her actions seemed perfectly natural.

The next morning at breakfast, yesterday's events inevitably became the topic of conversation. Apparently, Mother had informed Father after coming to her senses.

"We need to quickly decide where in the courtyard to install the shrine."

"Yes, and we also need to prepare offerings. Do you think sweets will be necessary?"

It seemed the shrine was now perceived as something connected to the spirits. Whether that was good or bad remained to be seen. At the very least, it was certain that the spirits were benefiting from eating delicious things.

"Julius-chan, I'd like to see that shrine too."

"Of course, I don't mind at all. Oh, how about until the installation spot is ready, we place it in one of the salons? Everyone would probably like to make offerings."

This was just a pretext. Now that it had become a topic of discussion, it wouldn't be wise to keep the shrine in my room. I didn't want to stand out as a special person. Being called "Chosen of the Spirits" or something would be troublesome.

"Since it seems they liked the dried fruits, perhaps we should offer them as an offering."

"Yes, indeed. The head chef seems to be trying various types of fruits, so let's have some separated for tasting."

Alex-niisama and Daniella-sama are happily chatting together. It seems they've resolved to become ambassadors for dried fruits. Oh, and don't forget about the matter of magical potions and artifacts, okay?

Immediately after breakfast, we set up the household shrine in the salon. Initially, we planned to place it in a salon that wasn't used much to avoid it being in the way, but at the request of Mother, it will be placed in the salon of highest status in the Heine Marquise household.

We'll leave the doors of the shrine open up to the second level. It looks better that way. And when Daniella-sama saw it, she said, "The royal family would like one just like this." This is a request from my beloved sister-in-law. Let's make an impressive shrine fit for the royal family.

I've asked Nero to procure the best wood for it.

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