Chapter 17 – Kay's translations
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Chapter 17

Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 17: A Gift

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye since arriving in the royal capital.

Aside from visiting Rozzo-san’s weapon shop, we also went to a magic specialty store, a magic tools shop, and more.

We explored general stores, a bustling street market, and even a pawnshop filled with old curios.

On top of that, we dined at restaurants recommended by Sheila, making these three days a whirlwind of enjoyment in the royal capital.

As for Lime, who stayed back at the villa, Sheila has been checking in on it daily.

According to her, it’s been doing just fine, with no notable changes.

Sheila has been taking care of everything, from guiding me around to making arrangements. I owe her so much that “indebted” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

“Good morning, Sato. The king’s messenger just came by to inform us that the king has returned to the royal capital.”
“He’s back! I was just thinking it’s about time we head back to the villa, so this is great timing.”
“It worked out perfectly! You got to enjoy the royal capital to its fullest, and the timing is ideal.”
“Yes, it really is. But… should I prepare some kind of thank-you gift for the princess? I’m guessing it was the princess who relayed my request to the king.”

Over the past three days, I had also been looking for a gift for the princess. However, I hadn’t found anything that seemed appropriate.

According to Sheila, the princess is an avid reader, so I considered buying a heroic tale from the pawnshop…

But those were rare and expensive, with each book costing six gold coins.

Even if I used all the money the princess had given me, it wouldn’t be enough to buy even one.

Plus, there’s a good chance the princess already owns the books being sold at the pawnshop.

With no clear idea of what to buy, I was at a complete loss.

“She even covered your expenses during your stay, so it would definitely be nice to give her something. But if you’re stretched right now, another opportunity should be fine.”
“Is that so… Hmm, this is tough.”

Personally, I wanted to give her something right away.

But I still hadn’t found anything suitable.

As I crossed my arms and pondered, a brilliant idea suddenly came to me.

“What about giving her something from another world? I have enough NP to spare, so I should be able to get her something decent.”
“That’s a great idea! Even sweets from another world would be a delightful gift, and I’m sure she’d love something like a book from your world.”

A book from another world… That’s it. I could give her a manga!

I used my skill to summon my tablet and started searching for manga.

Not only were popular and niche titles available, but even manga released after I came to this world were up for purchase.

I found some titles I’d been curious about, and I was tempted to buy them for myself—but I resisted.

Each volume cost 210 NP, which was quite expensive, so I had to choose carefully.

Ideally, I’d pick something with a short, completed series.

As for the genre… a classic battle manga or a mystery might be good.

…Or perhaps, since she’s a woman, a shoujo (girls’) manga would be better?

After much deliberation, I decided to go with a shoujo manga I knew by name and that had a relatively small number of volumes.

I immediately began browsing for a suitable title on the tablet, but to my surprise, many shoujo manga were longer than I expected.

Among the ones I recognized, there weren’t any completed series under ten volumes.

Buying an entire series was out of the question NP-wise, so as a compromise, I decided to gift her the first part of one.

“Sheila, I have a question. What do you think about giving someone part of a long series as a gift?”
“Hmm… I think that’s fine. If you bring the next volumes as gifts on future visits to the capital, I’m sure she’d be happy to receive them.”
“Ah, I see. Thinking ahead like that makes sense. Alright, I’ll go with that plan and gift her part of a series for now.”

Though I felt a little guilty about only giving her part of the story, I had no choice due to NP constraints.

In the end, I bought the first five volumes of the well-known shoujo manga Kimi ni Todoke.

I summoned the books from thin air, holding them in my hands. First, I decided to check if Sheila could read them without issue.

Since the language here seems to match mine—even on signs—I didn’t think there would be a problem, but better safe than sorry.

“Sheila, this is a book from another world. Could you see if you’re able to read it?”
“A book from another world?! Every page has illustrations? And they’re so beautiful…”
“Some books only have text, but this style might be more common nowadays. Anyway, could you see if you can read it?”
“Oh, sorry! I got too excited. Let me try. …Yes, I can read it without any problem.”

Even after confirming she could read it, Sheila was so captivated by the manga that she couldn’t put it down.

I had intended to head to the castle immediately after confirming, but I decided to wait for her to finish reading.

It probably wouldn’t take her more than an hour to get through five volumes, and heading to the castle afterward wouldn’t be an issue.

…Since I’ve never read shoujo manga before, maybe I’ll give it a read after Sheila finishes.

With that thought in mind, I watched over Sheila as she eagerly read the manga.

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